Copy of Jumping off the pot

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I had been reminded of a story told to me when I was a child: it was about a frog sitting in a cooking pot filled with water. For anyone out there who does not know, frogs are able to adjust their body temperatures to their surroundings- it was one of their survival tools. Back to the frog in a cooking pot, the frog decided to stay in the pot dedicating all his energy to adapting to its environment. When the frog decided it can no longer adjust to the increasing temperature, it decided to jump. It died. Cause instead of using its energy to jump off the pot early on, it used it instead to adjust its temperature.

    Not something that anyone would love to read I know. But this same story is a nice intro to what I am doing right now. We all had fun while I whinge about this cheap clay that I bought somewhere. I did love the challenge initially while I try to adapt my techniques, my process and my creativity to suit these. But it came into a point that I lost the joy of conceptualizing my creations. Instead, I focused not on how I can execute it but, on how my medium will take this new idea. I lost the joy and excitement of creating things.

    I will brazenly admit it that I am a cheapskate. I do not want to stop using the clay because, I bought it. I do not want to waste money- no matter how small that amount is.

    I am changing my stand today. I cannot commit these clay to the rubbish but, I can certainly not use it on my future projects. I have learned to "jump off the pot" before the hot water consumes and claims me.

    @wesphilbin, this is my own picture- hehehehehehehe

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