The key to success; "CONFIDENCE"

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone 🤗, my fellow hivers, hope you're all doing great and also wish you all a happy Sunday filled with confidence to achieve and plan whatever you want throughout this coming week🙏🏾 💗.

    To be a successful individual, one must believe in his or herself that they can be successful in whatever they want and this is only possible when you have confidence. "Confidence" in a general term is an act or a belief in one self abilities, capacities to succeed in a particular situation. Self confidence involves always being positive in whatever situations you find yourself self.

    For you to be successful, you have to believe in your own capabilities and understand you can achieve whatever you want and confidence might just be the big difference that you needed in achieving your goals. When you have confidence, you're more likely to take on whatever challenges that comes your way and also bounce back from setbacks or failures, and make positive changes in your life and all this can only happen when you have the confidence that you will always succeed no matter what.

    Here are some simple ways that confidence can pave the way to success and it has been a significant experience in my journey as a fashion designer and i really know the importance of being confident to achieve success.

    1. Believing in yourself

    Confidence always start with you and when you starts with believing in yourself, when you have faith in your skills and strengths, you're more likely to pursue your dreams with determination and hope that one day you will succeed. When I started my fashion design, i lack the confidence to share my work to the public because i was thinking how they would rubbish my ideas and clothes which i designed and this belief i had, made be stayed in my comfort zone for a very long time until i gradually started believe in myself, in my skills and i took the courage to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.

    2. Taking action

    Confidence helps me take action even when it seems taht i wouldn't be successful from that idea but because of my confidence, i still give it a shot and jope for the best rather than holding back or doubting myself. I realized that the truth is i am more likely to take the necessary steps towards my goals with having more confidence. Whether it's starting a new project, applying for a job, or speaking up in a meeting, trying new fashion designs, whether you're in the class, confidence propels you forward. Like the popular quote goes " we are more likely to lose 100% shot that we didn't take", when you take some shot you will win some and lose some and this is better than losing everything and that's what comes along with having confidence.

    3. Overcoming difficulties and challenges

    Success is not always smooth sailing, it comes with rough pathes and waves along the way. And that's why confidence is needed when ut comes to battling challenges, it enables you to face challenges with resilience even when it seems tgat those challenges can't be overthroned. When setbacks or challenges or difficulties occur, a confident mindset allows you to see them as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than reasons to give up.
    I have encountered several difficulties throughout my journey as a fashion designer and they are numerous and that doesn't stop me from stopping what i love doing. I have designed some clothes and no one bought it, though i feel discouraged and sad but at the same time, i understood what had happened and i learnt from it and make sure it didn't occur again. Confidence gives the platform for understanding challenges better.

    4. Inspiring others

    One thing i have learned and also precious to me is that confidence is contagious. When you express confidence, you inspire those around you without you being aware of those you might have touched. Your positivity and always not wanting to give up attitude can motivate others to believe in themselves and strive for their own success. I became confident at some point in life when i thought it wouldn't be possible or needed from my friends that are also into fashion designer. Just the way they talk and handle their business makes me believe i can also achieve what they are also achieving and gradually, i see wonders started happening.

    5. Making decisions

    Confidence empowers me to make decisive decisions without second guessing yourself myself most especially when I'm in a place where they need my opinion concerning how we can market my clothes. Sometimes those decisions may come out wrong and we do learn from it and if it comes out great, i always feel good about myself.

    6. Building relationships

    Confidence plays a crucial role in building positive relationships especially relationships that are related to businesses. It allows you to communicate effectively, assert your needs, and connect with others authentically and this is what basically will interest your business partners or even those you're trying to implore to work for you. Strong relationships often contribute to overall success especially in the generation we are in. Relationship matters a lot and confidence is one of the key needed in building professional relationships.

    In summary, confidence is a powerful attribute that impact our journey towards successful busines, ideas and whatever plans you might have for yourself.

    Thanks for reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷✨✨✨✨✨✨

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