Stuck in Doubt.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    "Who are you?" I heard the moderator ask from across the podium where I stood. What could be the answer to this question? There was nothing indicating an answer to this sort of question in the sample questions we were given.

    "Thank you for the question. I am Treasure, Contestant. No 5". I answered.
    "Are you sure about your answer?"

    "I am Treasure, Contestant. No 5. I am a daughter of grace" I said, no longer sure of what the right answer could be.

    "Next Contestant, pick a number" The moderator said

    'Did I fail or not?' I thought to myself while trying not to entertain any negative thoughts that may jinx my winning.

    "All Contestants may now leave the stage" The voice of the moderator flowed into my ears again, jolting me from my reverie as we began to move in a straight line, each one of us taking confident strides as we walked down the podium.

    Getting to the backstage, I quickly changed into my dinner outfit and went to meet my friends who had come around for the event. I walked over to the table and Carter being the gentleman in the friend group, pulled out a chair for me.

    "Let's make a toast to The Face of Beyama Foundation." I heard Carter say as everybody picked up their champagne classes and clinked them against each other.

    "I am not yet the Face of Beyama Foundation till it's announced officially. Do you guys think I got the answer to the 'Who are you" question right?" I asked out loudly.

    "Who cares? That was a very tricky question and even if you didn't get the answer to the question right, your outfit and your look tonight has definitely pulled your winning strings, girl" Jessica, my best friend said.

    "Are you sure the question will not be a barrier?" I said doubtfully

    "You did well is all that matters. Now, get some of this nervousness off you and have some fun before the results are announced" said Jessica, calming my nerves.

    "Hello Treasure" someone called out from behind me. I turned to see a young and graceful lady walking towards me, drawing my attention from my friends to her.

    "Hi, Have we met before?" I asked, standing up to meet her

    "No, we have not. I'm Solaya and I was the winner of this contest two years ago."

    "Ohh, Nice to meet you Solaya"

    "I noticed you when you were on the stage and when I sighted you now, I decided to come over and talk to you. You looked really gorgeous standing there. You still look gorgeous though and your composure as a model was so nice. I loved your performance."

    "Thank you so much. I feel honoured to have you say this"

    "You know, that question 'Who are you?', you didn't really get the answer rightly. The answer should have been something like ' I'm a queen filled with potentials and ambitions'. I'm only saying this to you so you don't make mistakes when you go for interviews or other contests."

    "Wow, I never knew the answer should have been that. Thank you for letting me know this." I said to her.

    "Can we have all contestants back on stage please?" came the voice of the moderator.

    "Ohh, you're being called back to the stage. You've got this girl. Plaster a smile on your face and don't let your confidence waver. You've been doing well so far" Solaya said.

    "Thank you" I said with a smile. My nervousness increasing each passing second as I began to walk towards the stage.

    I got in line with the other contestants and stood on the podium with a smile plastered on my face.

    "It was a really hard decision picking a winner. You all did exceptionally well but, there has to be a winner. For this year's Face of Beyama Foundation, The winner goes to--" At this point, my heart began beating frantically. I felt so nervous that I found it hard to keep the confident smile that had been plastered on my face for a while.

    "Contestant No. 5, Miss. Treasure Brooks."

    'I couldn't believe my ears. I am the winner of this year's Face of Beyama's Foundation.' I thought to myself as other contestants came around to hug me, and I stepped forward to collect my crown and make my speech. I was still awed by everything.

    After making my speech and collecting my award, we made our way down the podium to the crowd of people who I did not realize had been applauding all this while.

    Getting down to the main floor, I got occupied with meeting the paparazzi, taking pictures and getting introduced to the sponsors of the event that I couldn't get around to meeting my friends.

    Done with all the formalities, I scanned the environment and saw Carter walking towards me with a broad smile etched on his face.

    "You are always doubting me. I told you that you were the winner but you didn't believe me. Now, it has been proved right by the Judges." said Carter as he led me towards the lounge area.

    "I'm so happy I won because I can't imagine loosing after all the effort I put into this contest". I responded.

    Getting to the lounge, I saw Jessica and others seated round one of the tables and I headed towards them.

    "A toast to the girl of the moment" Jessica said raising her cup for the toast and everybody followed suit.

    I smiled looking at them all as they all celebrated me. I couldn't have wished for better friends.

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