Back to Back Two Korean Drama

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Weekends are my favourite time for movies— either I finish a long series or indulge myself in the realm of memorable movies from past years that I have already enjoyed watching. And the best part is, I hardly run out of options. Luckily, this week I had 4 days off straight. So, more screen time for me. And I didn’t miss the opportunity to watch movies one after another— two of them were South Korean action dramas namely Derailed (2016) and Unstoppable (2018) featuring Ma Dong-Seok. Those who watch Korean action films already know that he is kind of a big deal.

    The reason I’m putting them together is thematic similarities. Both of the movies are centred on love relationships and an urge to protect the dear ones at any cost from outside threats. And it’s true that we go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our loved ones even if sometimes it costs our lives.

    So, Derailed (2016) is about four teenagers running away from their homes as it seems they aren’t welcomed there for some unknown reasons. Having no decent job, they survive mostly by stealing and cheating. But that doesn’t always happen— Ma Dong-Seok, the big guy somehow stumbled upon one of them and tried to help in some ways. Although not much of a decent job but better than sleeping on the street and stealing regularly.


    Things escalated before the proposal settled and the whole plot turned into a violent hunt down for revenge. In the meantime, one of the teenage girls got attached to Ma Dong-Seok’s business, kind of forcefully. But her boyfriend is determined to get her out as soon as possible and in a desperation to earn more money, attempts a more dangerous job that involves police investigation. Eventually, debts get cleared, foes neutralised, but love loses its subject to an act of revenge and protection of the beloved. Quite touching.

    Unstoppable (2018) also revolves around the theme of love and sacrifice. But it involves a more sinister plot where women are kidnapped for organs and prostitution. Twist is, the kidnapper pays the victim’s family for their loss— take my money and let me get your woman; that’s how they say. Highlights the psychotic characteristic of the villain as he thinks he can buy everything with money— but not Ma Dong-Seok’s woman. He made a mistake kidnapping her. So, the hunt down begins and after a bloody series of punching, things are restored. Trivia is, sometimes people forget about their love with a bag full of money. It’s real. Maybe we don’t know but somewhere somehow people are giving up their beloveds for money— greed is conquering us. Money; it’s evil.


    Now, both of the movies are well performed and the plot seems to be decently organised. Sometimes they defy logical grounds but that’s the part of every dramatisation. Nothing is flawless. What’s more significant is the theme both movies are centred on.

    Once we are connected to our loved ones deeply, nothing can separate us. The emotional bonding has the power to turn boys into men, and gangsters into gentlemen. It’s the respect towards relationships that hold us together despite getting into fights sometimes. It’s the connection we feel deep inside that helps us forget the upsetting times and embrace each other with a smile. And when someone tries to put an end to this eternal bonding, nothing can stop us from overcoming the barrier and being reunited— in this life or in the other world.

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