Torch Vizier Is a Good Opportunity Ability Monster In Rebellion Core

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Hello, guys welcome back to the new Splinterlands social media challenge post and here I am going to talk about the torch vizier torch Wizard card which is a great monster that has the opportunity ability you can say this is the best monster in the new rebellion version and it can be an alternative monster like a serpentine spy. I have always used Serpentine Spy because I have upgraded the monster of Serpent Spy and also it has a lower mana cap than any other opportunity monster so that is why it is comfortable to use for me it is very powerful because opportunity ability monsters attack low health monsters of the opponent that is why opportunity monsters are great.

    Can be an alternative to a serpentine spy?

    Serpentine Spy has 3 mana, 2 attacks, 3 speed and 1 health good thing is this monster has only 3 mana which is why it is good to use in even small in even small mana battles. When It comes to torch Vizier it has a 5 mana cap which is why Serpentine Spy is better in this thing but on the other side torch Vizier has higher speed and higher health than the serpentine spy So even it is taking more mana cap then it is fine Because that extra speed and health will help you to survive longer and attack more so I can say that torch vizier is a great alternative of Serpent spy and I have checked discussion in the discord where some users talking about serpentine spy price and yes I can say that this particular monster has affected the price of serpentine spy so I think splinterlands should take care of this thing so that user hold their cards for longe.r I’m holding old cards so I know what is happening with my old cards their price is going down which is not good.

    Explosive weaponry strategy

    Explosive weaponry is a ruleset if you plan a better strategy I want to say a very important part of this strategy and it's one thing but I don’t want to share the entire strategy here I just want to share the thing that is related to opportunities ruleset If I cover all those things then this post will go in the wrong direction. So why using an opportunity ability monster is useful opportunity monsters mostly attack low-health monsters means it is going to attack a random monster and mostly cards from the middle so what will happen in this case the attack will harm more than two monsters means it will harm three monsters so this is going to be helpful so try this strategy however it is not guaranteed that opportunity monster will attack card from the middle of the opponent because it is depended on card health but still it is better strategy then using sneak attack so try this if you are not trying it already

    Torch Vizier Market price


    When I checked the market of sprinterlands I saw that Torch Vizier is trading for around 0.67 USD and I consider this a higher price because when you see other monsters with opportunity ability then those cards have a low price so in this case, buyers can prefer serpentine spy because it is cheaper than torch vizier. But there is one problem Serpentine Spy is an old card which is why it is not available in the market and the quantity is limited so you cannot buy many cards to upgrade that monster but you can use peakmonsters bidding to buy this card.

    So Torch Vizier is a great monster and I can say it is a perfect opportunity ability monster the price is still not that much higher so it is ok to choose this monster and update your Torch Vizier for better results so hope you like this information please share this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands also do comment below if you have any other monster of opportunity that you like then please share it have a good day.

    Thank you

    Lucky Ali

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    185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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