A day with the doggies

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Good afternoon good afternoon everyone. Today the family went to Knoxville for Luna’s lacrosse tournament. I hope she kicked some butt, I’m sure I’ll hear how it went whenever they get home. Anyways I wanted to share some of the doggies we have here at the LaFountain household. First we have one of the youngest her name is Caramel.


    One of her favorite things to do is chew on sticks and roll around in the yard! Goofy dog! Next one I wanna show you is Delilah she’s the second Great Dane we’ve had. She’s nothing like the one we had before, she’s pretty skiddish. But she’s a pretty dog!


    Next one here is my boy Lupin, he loves it here since we’ve been here. He’s a little stubborn at times. But I love em.


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