Cebu's Treasure Chest: National Museum of the Philippines

in voilk •  7 days ago
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    Hey there, fellow Hivers! Feeling the travel itch? Let's explore the National Museum of the Philippines here in Cebu, Again this is your Helianthus Chloe and let's start your day with a smile to have a great day 💛.


    Early in the morning I and my friends went to the Cebu Technological University campus to submit her portfolio since we are all technologists we took a photo of the Building of Registrar's Office with the logo of Cebu Technological University as a remembrance of the place Since we are not usually come here since we are CTU naga campus.


    We enjoy the place CTU main is improving their facilities I never doubt why they belong to one of the most improving universities here in Cebu. Because of the facilities that they improve their student also improve their studies.


    After we passed the portfolio we decided to roam around Cebu since the Fort San Pedro and The National Museum of the Philippines are within walking distance from the Cebu Technological University we decided to visit it.


    When I'm with these people I enjoy it a lot even when we are walking on the road, we laugh and make some jokes even if the jokes ain't funny we are laughing at it silly right, that's what friends are right? Did you also have a friend who even if it's not funny will laugh at it? Comment on the comment box if you have.


    Anyway, first we went to The National Museum of the Philippines when you entered the place you had to wait for 1 to 5 minutes to enter the museum the security and staff of the museum ensured that it wouldn't be going too crowded inside the museum.


    After that, the security guard signals us that we can enter the premises of the museum then their a receptionist inside the museum who will talk about the do's and don'ts inside the museum.


    1. If you bring Tumbler you can leave it on the table
    2. They have a baggage counter where you can leave your phone
    3. Turn off your cell phone flashlight since the artefacts inside the museum are too sensitive.
    4. You can watch but Do not touch the glass or anything inside the museum
    5. Observe the markings they put so that you will know where you can stand.
    6. Observe silence.


    After that you can proceed to the museum viewing, they have 4 stations first on the right side where you will see the Cebu Carabao, Carabao is the Farmer's Best friend and the national animal of the Philippines it symbolizes Filipino strength, power, and perseverance, efficiency and hard work.


    On the Second station are the different kinds of stones and shells is where at, they have these stones and shells came from different cities around Cebu I also saw that Alpaco Naga also have their piece which I will be proud of as a Nagahanons.




    next is the third station where you will see the different kinds of animals, flowers and trees. in this station, you will see a butterfly or bat that if you focus on it you would though it was alive.


    after that we proceeded to the upper part of the museum I was amazed by the stairs it was like I was walking like a princess because of the design and materials that they used on the stairs like castled stairs


    and when you reach the 2nd floor you will see this big painting of lapu-lapu and Magellan's war. I was thinking about how long this painting needed needs a lot of focus and patience to make this beautiful painting also there is a big flat screen TV where they broadcast the whole city and the past features of Cebu City.





    also, some of the paintings of Martino Abellana a Cebuano painter from Carcar Cebu, His lifetime of works includes portraits, landscapes, and still life glowing in oil, vibrant in pastels, vivid in charcoal, they practically pulsated with life where this portrait is been taken cared of the museum.


    The National Museum of the Philippines is a place where culture is preserved by every city around Cebu culture, we are grateful because they are preserved so that we can look back on our history.


    today my brain was so full of about our culture and what every city around Cebu can offer, Cebu has a lot to offer so when you have time to visit here in Cebu please include The National Museum Of the Philippines in Cebu on your travel list.


    thank you for taking the time to read my blog and see you on my next blog as I explore The Fort San Pedro, again this is your Helianthus-chloe saying smile and have a great day.

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