Love and Coffee...

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Maxwell arrived at the office, evidently distracted to Samantha, she did not miss those eyes that looked without seeing, she knew her friend, something was wrong with him, she had known him for a long time and knew everything about him, his tastes, hobbies, although she was not sure if he had the same perception of her; but this time the curiosity killed her, so she took the risk to ask him what was wrong. So she took advantage of the break, where they took the opportunity to have a snack and coffee, except for him, at least the coffee part, since he didn't like it.

    All the colleagues in the office took their places, among them Samantha and Maxwell. There he began to tell her the reason for his concern and distraction, it was a pretty new girl who arrived at one of the offices, her silhouette was very stunning, it was like that of a guitar, her curves could be seen in her fitted skirt suit, which the girls wore as uniforms; It was known by the bad tongues that she was addicted to coffee, for Maxwell that was not very encouraging, more, however, he was very interested in her, he had managed to invite her and that she accepted, but he did not know where to take her, he had no idea; that is why he trusted Samantha to see what she would suggest, she would surely help him as always.


    Samantha, knew what to tell him; for her, the perfect tactic was to take her somewhere where there was coffee. Even if that meant throwing him practically into the arms of that girl..., so that's what she advised him, by the way she knew of a place where both would be happy, it was a coffee shop where they also offered delicious ice creams, so both would be happy with their options to share. Maxwell thanked her for her help and left, without stopping to see the sad look on poor Samantha's face...

    Maxwell, prepared for his long awaited appointment. Samantha had given him the address of the place where he would take his date. He was very excited, picked up the girl and they set out to enjoy each other's company. She ordered a coffee with milk accompanied by a rich chocolate cake and Maxwell a strawberry ice cream with chocolate chips; it was the only thing they had in common, the taste for chocolate, apart from that they shared a pleasant time, but that was enough for Maxwell to realize that although he enjoyed the attention of this girl, he did not feel so comfortable with his friend Samantha...

    When Maxwell returned to the office the next day, he arrived as he was, kind, friendly, jovial, without the air of being distracted as in the past days. Samantha thought he was happy with his new conquest; she reciprocated his cheerful greeting with a half smile, with an air of sadness.... Maxwell was going along happily, because he had finally realized that he had had love right in front of his nose and he hadn't seen it. That afternoon, he invited his friend Samantha to have a coffee and for him a delicious ice cream, he knew that this would be the beginning of the love he had always hoped for... Samantha's smile as she left Maxwell's arm said it all, a new love story was born.


    I join [#STB Coffee Prompt Week 64](, cheers!

    Banner @brujita18
    The story is of my authorship
    Copyright @2024

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