Father won't be quite himself

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Originally uploaded to Bilibili.tv

    This was the easiest thumbnail I made haha! You know I had a suspicion that Mihoyo was going to do it. I mean how perfect would it be? Bring out Arlecchino, the other 5* is Lyney and then you round out the banner with both 4*s Lynette and Freminet. They never had such a good setup before so they shouldn't let it go to waste and they didn't. And because they didn't all I had to do was use their own v4.6 promo banner for the thumbnail lol

    Anyway the title comes from a tv show. And I think it works well enough here. First of all "Father" in Genshin is a woman. As far as we know from the trailers and other background information she calls herself that because she replaced the previous "parent" of her organization who called herself Mother. Mother was horribly abusive so I guess Father is meant to be nicer? The character is very firm though so I suppose that's her "father" behavior. Her Character Quest is also out so I'll get that up soon!

    Her playstyle is weird though. In v4.1 we had new enemies that are actually her subordinates. They had a new mechanic called Bond of Life which is a status effect that stops you from healing. You had to waste healing abilities just to "heal" the effect away or else you'd be a sitting duck. Well Father applies this effect to herself. So she purposely makes it so she can't heal. But as long as it's on her she hits harder so it's a trade off. It actually fits with her personality so for that alone I appreciate what they did. Gameplaywise though I have no idea why I'd want to use her over a normal character.

    Also a funny in-joke thing. There's this other character Zhongli who was by far the most overpowered character in the game. Not because he's that strong but because he provides the best shield in the game. If you have him you can pretty much walk through every challenge in the game and yes I got this guy as soon as he debuted and I've been riding the gravy train ever since lol. So anyway because of this miHoYo went on this unspoken campaign to find ways where he couldn't be abused and make the game too easy. We had enemies that could hit you through shields, we had status effects that just drained health without hitting you so the shield didn't do anything, we had enemies that got shields themselves for attacking your shield. Nothing really worked. The man is just too good. But now Arlecchino here is the exact opposite. Because her ability means she can't heal you almost have to have a shield on her just to keep her from dying. And the flip side is true too. All of those enemies that were meant to harm Zhongli's effectiveness were also used to prop up healing characters. Arlecchino's ability itself makes them all useless.

    PS: I created a complementary channel to Hive Gaming!

    I've been making topics here for a short while now and I noticed that most people just want to talk about games in general. Reviews are about the gaming experience. But games can also have some very meaningful stories and some of those stories leave plenty of questions and pieces left up to the imagination. That's what Hive Gaming Theories is about. If you have a game whose story you were really into but it might be a little too in-depth for Hive Gaming you can head over there and talk about it. Spare no details! I'm going to be putting up some of my ideas from Genshin. You'll see why I believe it wouldn't fit here on Hive Gaming. Anyway hope to see you guys there!

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