Pesadillas que se hacen realidad [Spanish-English]

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Andy era un niño valiente , audaz , aplicado y curioso, pero su maayor temor era quedarse solo. Un dia proximo a su cumpleaños decidió emprender un viaje, pero algo sucederia que le impediria regresar. Se despidio de sus padres y con morral en mano camino, camino y camino hasta que su silueta se perdio en el horizonte

    Sus padres tristes, pero seguros de que era lo mejor para el, lo motivaron a enfrentarse a la vida siempre y cuando supiera que tenia su total apoyo y comprensión. Su perro espero quince años en el podio de la ventana hasta que este regresara pero para su desgracia murio de triztesa antes de verlo llegar.

    Andy habia caminado tanto que perdio el camino de regreso a casa y sin darse cuenta poco a poco fue olvidando cada uno de sus recuerdos mas preciados. Tal parecia que habia sufrido amnesia tras un terrible accidente y cuando logro recordar de donde venia ya era tarde. Al llegar a casa no encontró nada de sus cosas y su pesadilla se hizo realidad

    Cada pedaso de su historia fue opacada por otras personas las cuales no le dieron el valor a las cosas que estaba antes que ellos esto le causo uno dolor horrible a Andy quien a los pocos dias falleció después del cáncer

    Moraleja: nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde


    Andy was a brave, bold, industrious and curious boy, but his greatest fear was to be left alone. One day close to his birthday he decided to take a trip, but something would happen that would prevent him from returning. He said goodbye to his parents and with backpack in hand he walked, walked and walked until his silhouette was lost in the horizon

    His parents, sad but sure that it was the best thing for him, encouraged him to face life as long as he knew he had their full support and understanding. His dog waited fifteen years on the window podium for him to return, but unfortunately he died of heartbreak before he saw him arrive.

    Andy had walked so far that he lost his way back home and without realizing it, he gradually forgot each of his most precious memories. He seemed to have suffered amnesia after a terrible accident and by the time he remembered where he had come from it was too late. When she got home she found none of her things and her nightmare became a reality.

    Every bit of his story was overshadowed by other people who didn't value the things that came before them and this caused Andy horrible pain and a few days later he passed away after cancer

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