Light them up! | Zappit X Lighter healer fanart

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello guys, it's me again. I took a break yesterday to make some rough sketches to get things going smooth in the following week. This will help me reduce work load and will reduce time consumption for creating an art so im in the good for now. This time I decided to draw Zappit with his healer. I wanted to make a cute drawing because it feels like Zappit is not getting much love in here haha. This is how it turned out and I hope you like it :)

    Light them up!


    The Process


    • Made a rough sketch using this reference from Pinterest


    • Made a clean lineart using penfade brush.


    • laid down the base colours. I'm using custom colours here because I wanted to do something different with light healer this time. Flame colour palette was the inspiration while painting ther hair and eyes .


    • Started working on the hair by adding highlights and shadows.


    • Added more highlights on the right side because of the light source from the right.


    • Shades her skin according to the source of light.


    • Added more shades on her face.


    • Blended the dark shades on her face and added highlights on her skin.


    • Started working on the Holomon at this point and finished painting her head gear.


    • Painted highlights and bounce lights on Zappit.


    • Made a random background which suits their colour palette.


    • Added some lightning in the background.

    The Result


    Decided to make the lighting in a rotating mode and applied glow on it. I felt like Zappit's hand gesture was perfect for a glow so I made one there so now it looks like he is controlling the lighting around him. Once that was finished I refined the colours a bit more and it was ready to share :)

    App used: Ibis paint x

    Duration: 7 hrs

    Device: Oppo pad air tab

    Follow holozing offical twitter handle for updates

    I got 2.37k Zing from staking and delegating 2k Zing which I got from the holozing competition after some months. So in total I have 4.37k Zing now hehe. Funny this is that the delegation APR is less or similar to staking now haha. It's a good sign that lots of people are invested in Holozing. I'm sure some of you guys are wondering about the lack of updates from holozing. It appears that they are dealing with some difficulties according to their official discord server chats so the updates are delayed for now so I'm sure we'll get an update soon :)

    Thank you so much for your time ☺️

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