My to-do list, I can't seem to catch my breath.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It was a busy day for me, but completely overwhelming.


    I was dreaming that I was directing into my college interview then to my graduation pictorial and my friends birthday celebration, but then, the alarm clock beeped and woke me up from my happy and beautiful dream. I had no idea that reality would arrive soon, so upon waking up I immediately get up to do the things that have to be done.


    The first was the interview. Starting with my college interview in Cebu Technological University (CTU). Im so nervous about what will happened in my interview then worried and anxious about our pictorial because while I'm on a bus traveling to CTU, my classmate text me that the pictorial is starting and my mind is clouded and overthinking what if's, but then I got relaxed upon arriving to the venue because the interview was supposed to be started at 8:00 a.m, then I arrived there 7:51 and the interview is ongoing, so that gives me chilled.


    With a nervous energy coursing through my veins, while I filled up some papers for the interview, I rehearsed my answers to some possible questions that might be given to me, in the hall. The actual meeting was a blur of courteous small talk about myself, about my family then why did I choose that course, by the way I'm taking Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Interior Design from the College of Technology (COT) Department. I really hoped that my answers are correct and a silent prayer that I had left a good impression. So as I stepped out of the building, a wave of relief gave way to my whole body as I walk to the gate to find my mother who was with me, supporting me and boosting my confidence. After that, we hurried road home so that I can get to joined our pictorial.


    But before going home, my mother and I decided to go to Basilica Minore Del Sto. Niño de Cebu, to offer a prayer for my successful interview.


    Upon arriving at school, some of my classmates are already eating champorado with dried fish, because the school gives rice for our feeding program happening every friday. Our classmates bring the things needed that are available in their homes and agree to help in cooking the champorado.


    So fast forward, my classmate told me that the pictorial was taken by batch due to their studio cannot accommodate all of us. But then I felt so tired upon arriving at school that's why I asked my teacher if I can join in another batch for the pictorial and he agreed.


    Now for our graduation pictorial, we are the last batch to be photographed because Sir Mandal told us "you should be the last batch to take a picture so that we can go straight to the party, when we finished" so we all agreed, we walked to the studio because the studio is just near our school. Upon arriving, the photographer welcomed us, a cheerful two makeup artist with a contagious laugh. The interview anxiety had vanished, to be replaced by a lighthearted warmth.


    One of the make-up artist called me to change into tube attire because I will be the next one to have a makeover. So while the other one was doing my make up, the other one was also doing my hair. They do this in order for me to finish earlier before my turn will be called.


    I dress up 3 times, for the toga, filipiniana and formal attire, so while waiting for my turn, we take a pictures for memories to keep. So much for the pictorial, we already packed up after so that we can finally go to my classmates house for his late birthday celebration.

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    The anticipation for the birthday celebrantion fueled me while we were riding a jeepney, to their house which is Kishanta Village, located at Talisay. As we reach the Kishanta gate, the guard welcomed us and called our classmates residence to inform our arrival, moments later our classmate arrived with his van so the guard let us in, and let us input our names in the log book. As we enter their gate the familiar faces of our closest friends greeted us as we entered.

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    Then I ask my friend to take a picture, to update my mother that we arrived already. Just when we arrived, their prepared foods were already cooked, so we prayed together and ate altogether.

    As I looked at the people on the table, I sensed a warmth and comfortable feeling despite the busy schedule, I managed to make my interview done, the graduation pictorial and celebrating the birthday of a closed friend. The exhaustion I felt was washed with a quiet satisfaction. It was a day that enveloped the beautiful chaos of life, reminding me of the various roles we made and the experiences that make it all worthwhile.


    After eating, we already get dressed into our swimming wear so that we will go to our destination, which is the pool.

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    We take a lot of pictures in the pool and swim a little bit, we also played, to relaxed and chill.

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    While were busy taking a picture in the pool, the boys were with, is also busy playing basketball.


    It was a testament to the flexibility of our time and energy when fueled by passion and purpose. The interview tested my professional character, the pictorial that I will forever keep, and the celebration reminded me of the importance of strong bonds. It was a day that left me drained yet excite me, a testament to the brightness of life when we embrace its flexible nature. As the night wore on, and laughter filled the air, I knew that despite the happenings, today would be a day I'd remember, a day that showcased the beautiful messiness of life.


    After that, we chilled for awhile, then his father took us home with their family van, together with his mother to make sure we go home safe because it was already dark and you will only see a few people walking around because it is late night, we are so thankful and blessed for his parents because of their kindness towards us.

    I can say that after all the happenings in my day, it's all worth it.

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    That's all, thank you and happy reading everyone, see you soon for my upcoming updates!

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