The Exchange TRX Kuala Lumpur is not just a mall

in voilk •  9 days ago

    TRX mall stands on an area of ​​70 hectares. You can imagine how vast it is and I also can't go around this mall. I'm sure if we really want to go around this mall from morning until the mall closes, this mall has not been touched in its entirety. And it turns out that it's not only the size of this mall that is currently being talked about in Kuala Lumpur as the largest newcomer mall, but this mall also has a very beautiful design, not only modern but also has high artistic value with aesthetic designs and many functions of course so that being in this mall in one day is not enough to do many activities here.

    let's see from the front of the mall first. From the pictures that I display below. in my opinion this design is very luxurious not only modern but also very aesthetic. I like to see the material that has the trx mall label like a wall panel material, but if seen from the front it looks like it is made of light steel with a thin size. In your opinion, what material is the main material for the top, this is simple but very luxurious. However, I failed to focus more on the design of the side of the building with a shape like a simple paper airplane that I often made when I was in elementary school and the outer roof and the right and left walls are made of glass and the inner roof is covered with white PVC. This part of the building connects one building to another.

    Entering the main building of the building my attention fell on the arrangement of chairs that were made in a circle and these chairs were not only made for visitors to rest but these chairs also function to charge your cellphone or laptop. Not only that, the shape is also very adorable. I seem to have seen the design theme of this chair in one of the action movies I watched but I forgot the title. Maybe the design was inspired by the film. The color is also very natural. The modern impression is very thick in the design of the chair that was made.

    I forgot how many floors this building has, but when I was going up to the second floor I initially wanted to take the elevator but it turned out that using the stairs in this mall was the right choice because these stairs are an interesting spot to take pictures because besides being iconic, the wall next to the stairs is very soothing to the eye with the planting of real living plants and the vines are very well maintained. It is very rare for a modern mall like this to still pay attention to the beauty in the form of natural plants like this.

    And after arriving at the second floor I just realized that the chandeliers that decorate the middle of the mall are very beautiful in design. And because this escalator is shaped like a spiral so that the lights with this spiral shape become more aesthetic when viewed. And the forms of the dividers between floors make the decorative lights more luxurious and their function becomes dual besides for lighting also in the corner of this lamp can be an interesting photo spot to capture our moments. And the design on the ceiling of the building is also no less unique and luxurious. The architect who won this building deserves a thumbs up. Because this mall is not only about luxury, everything is here. And I can see everything. This is really cool and I don't get bored in this mall, no wonder this mall is now one of the tourist attractions in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia because there are many things that can be done here.

    But unfortunately I haven't explored all parts of this mall because I'm really tired and I'm afraid of getting lost in it. So I've finished my filter for you about this mall, hopefully when you come to Kuala Lumpur and come to this mall, you can represent me to see more of what's in this mall. Greetings from Maytom, Indonesia

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