Taking advantage of complimentary entrance to XSTAR JUMP (ENG-ESP]

in voilk •  last month

    Minimalist Summer Photo Collage Instagram Post_20250217_215606_0000.png

    Friends of this beautiful community I hope everyone is well and have a beautiful week, a few days ago my son had the privilege of going to a park that he had long wanted to go, but financially could not, where luckily his godfather came to visit and gave him a complimentary 15 minute entrance to the park.

    He immediately asked us when he could go and we told him Saturday, and he, without hesitation, put a beautiful smile on his face, as he would have a different weekend and with something he wanted to do for a long time, and we were happy to oblige him.

    When we arrived at the place, he gave the ticket. My husband had some acquaintances at the park who were formerly our neighbors and they made him go in immediately where he brought anti-slip socks so he wouldn't have to buy them at the park. My son was already prepared.

    When we went in there were only trampolines, the park was a little crowded, but my son was happy and started jumping and jumping with a basketball, he started trying to put it in the hoop and spent fifteen minutes jumping from side to side, when he came out he told us that he loved it, but he left with pain in his head, I guess because he was jumping so much, and he told us "Mom, thank goodness it was only fifteen minutes because if you had paid for the forty minutes he wouldn't have been able to stand it" this served as a test to make us realize that tango can last in the park, since he said that fifteen minutes was little ha, ha, ha... he already proved that it was not so, so I invite you to go, it is fun in one of the photos you can see the banner of the cost according to minutes and schedules, I hope you like my post and that you visit the park soon.

    Amigos de esta hermosa comunidad espero que todos se encuentren bien y tengan una hermosa semana, hace unos días mi hijo tuvo el privilegio de ir aún parque que tenía mucho tiempo queriendo ir, pero económicamente no se podía, donde por suerte su padrino vino a visitar y le dio una entrada de cortesía de 15 minutos en el parque.

    Él inmediatamente nos preguntó cuándo podría ir y nosotros le dijimos el sábado, y él, sin dudarlo, puso una hermosa sonrisa en su rostro, ya que tendría un fin de semana diferente y con algo que quería hacer desde hace rato, y nosotros felices de complacerlo.

    Al llegar al lugar, él dio el ticket. Mi esposo tenía unas conocidas en el parque que eran antes nuestras vecinas y lo hicieron pasar inmediatamente donde él llevó medias anti resbaladas para no tener que comprarlas en el parque. Mi hijo ya iba preparado.

    Al entrar eran puras camas elástica el parque estaba un poco full, pero mi hijo feliz comenzó a brincar y brincar con una pelota de básquet comenzó a intentar meterla en el aro y así pasó los quince minutos brincando de lado a lado, al salir nos dijo que le encanto, pero salió con dolor hasta en la cabeza me imagino que de tanto que brinco, y nos dijo "mamá menos mal que fueron solo quince minutos porque si hubieras pagado por los cuarenta minutos no hubiera soportado" esto nos sirvió de prueba para darnos cuenta de que tango puede durar en el parque, ya que él decía que quince minutos era poquito ja, ja, ja... ya comprobó que no era así, así que los invito a ir es divertido en una de las fotos pueden apreciar el pendón del costo según minutos y los horarios, espero que les gustará mi post y que pronto visiten el parque.


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