Millet is not just for birds. Millet Porridge and Berries Sauce for Healthy Happy Kids

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello mammas,

    What do you think about Millet? Is this a food that you cook at least from time to time? Is it something to give your kids? Do you know some great millet recipes? If so, let me know because I am looking forward to try new ones.

    Long time ago, when I studied Nutrition, I learned that Millet was included into non gluten grains or pseudo cereals, as they call it as well.

    Millet is an ancient grain, used by humans as food for centuries.

    Gray home garden photo collage.png

    But the thing is millet has a large list of vitamins and minerals. It's a pretty good source for protein, fiber intake, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vit B along with other nutrients.

    I think it's important to give our kids a diverse menu so they can receive a wide range of nutrients essential for their growth and development. Different foods provide different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for optimal health.

    Also, exploring different tastes and textures can prevent picky eating habits and encourage a more varied diet.

    So why not starting with the HOLY Oatmeal?


    As I said before, I consume millet and know about it since 2013/2014 when I've got my Nutrition diploma and I knew it's a gem between grains and non gluten cereals.

    But lately I got more into it because in Dr. Gundry's books, Millet is the Holy Grain. So I thought to start cooking it more often than before. I'm not a quinoa or buckwheat fan anyways, but I pretty like millet. And I want my kid to like this food too.
    No need to mention that if we introduce foods to our children as early as possible, we have better chances so they get used with the texture and taste.

    I was curious to see if I can find a few sciencific data to state that millet it's in fact packed with nutrients. I found some, and I leave you some links in here, in case you want to read them yourself.

    Worldwide, millets are regarded as a significant grain, however, they are the least exploited. Millet grain is abundant in nutrients and health-beneficial phenolic compounds. [...] The diverse content of nutrients and phenolic compounds present in finger and pearl millet are good indicators that the variety of millet available is important when selecting it for use as food or feed. [...] Research has shown that millet phenolic properties have high antioxidant activity. The presence of phytochemicals in millet grains has positive effect on human health by lowering the cholesterol and phytates in the body. (source here)

    Millet enables better glycemic control both fasting and postprandial. Glucose-reducing virtue could be a combined outcome of greater leptin concentrations, lesser insulin resistance, and fewer inflammations. It seems millet protein advances the sensitivity of insulin and metabolism of cholesterol by increasing adiponectin concentration; therefore, it might serve as beneficial for preventing obesity, type-2 diabetes, and cardiac diseases.[...]
    Daily consumption of the millet diet significantly reduced BP, BMI, BF(%), and fat mass without affecting usual dietary habits. (source here)

    Anyways, there are more evidence to suggest that millet is a healthy food. But I really liked this "Worldwide, millets are regarded as a significant grain, however, they are the least exploited."
    I know what they mean. People don't know that millet is a super food. Simple as that! So maybe you start your own research after reading this more Millet. 😁 That's the mission of all this writing haha.


    Porridge Ingredients:

    • one cup millet
    • one cup water
    • two cups milk (regular or vegan)

    I didnt use any sweetener with this porridge, (I mean in the process), but you can use one if you'd like. I usually add it on to and that's it. And I mostly use honey 90% and only sometimes I add agave or maple syrop.

    Why Honey? Honey is super available here in Romania and besides, I know good sources of honey. And on top of that, I do thing honey comes with a bunch of antioxidants and healthy compounds, not just the sugar.

    Anyways, I forgot to take photos in the process but I doubt you'll need them cause it's super easy to make.



    At first, I added the millet seeds into a food processor and lightly give it a mix so the seeds break a little and become more like a flakes texture.

    Then, add the millet into a small pot with water and milk. When it came to a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use a lid with the pot.

    Meanwhile, do the Berry Sauce.
    Add berry mix into a skillet, turn on medium-low and simmer for ten minutes. Add honey and cinnamon and you can also add one teaspoon of coconut oil.

    Last thing you need to do ofc is to serve it and enjoy it warm and cozy! 💓


    So what do you think?
    Would you give this a try?

    This is just one recipe to cook millet and I think it's a comfy one. You can also add a bit of milk, just a tiny bit, in your plate, in case you think this is a bit dry.

    Because I just need to mention that millet porridge is a bit different that oatmeal. Millet has a nutty flavor and the texture it's more "dense".

    Caleb was a bit unsure if he likes it or not. I made it clear in the morning that we'll try another "oatmeal" that day and he was curious to try it. He did accept it and it was pretty easy, but I think for now oatmeal is the winner. I already tried millet and oat flakes and it was great! For my son, it matters what's on top. If there's cinnamon, carob, cacao and honey, any oatmeal will do.

    Thanks guys for reading,

    Stay healthy ✅🩺

    missdeli 💓


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