Live Your Adventure

in voilk •  28 days ago


    Many years ago, I had the pleasure of taking part in a company personality test to help determine who would be the best fit for various jobs in the new re-organization.

    We all had to apply and/or re-apply for our jobs. They used the Myers-Briggs test to assign personality types. Surprise, surprise, I was in a minority group. Out of 157 tested, two of us ended in the INTJ group.

    So I did a little search to refresh my memory of the different personality types and traits. Now look at that, I am an architect type as Michelle Obama and Elon Musk.


    The following link may interest you. They offer free testing.

    So what do you think of these types of testing and analysis?

    I see value when used in building relationships and team dynamics. I also like to review the weakness and not just the strength.

    More food for thought along a journey to Learn Before You Earn

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