in voilk •  3 months ago



    Les cuento que, hace 2 años me regalaron lo que aquí en Venezuela llaman un "Perico Cara sucia", me lo trajo un amiguito, los tomó al observar una rama caída de un árbol , lo criamos en casa desde que no tenia plumas, pero un día, un gato lo asustó y murió.

    Yo no soy de tener animales grandes, pero si me encantan las aves, yo estaba hablando de este suceso y una representante me dijo que ella me iba a regalar otro, que donde vive se ven bastante, y pues asi fue!

    Un día, específicamente el 19 de marzo llegó mi representante con un perico pequeño, hermoso, que aún ni plumas tenía 😍 así que, como el anterior decidí cuidarlo hasta que creciera.


    Cuando llegue a casa, mis hijos sorprendidos, lo querían cargar y aunque le tenían miedo trataban de hacer su mayor esfuerzo, los primeros que le colocamos fue el nombre, en este caso, entre todos decidimos llamarlo PRÍNCIPE ARTURO, a parti de ese momento les he hablado y le he hecho saber que al nuevo miembro de la familia hay que cuidarlo, porque al igual que ellos, él siente, le da hambre, le da sed y le duele cuando se lastima, pero sobre todo, he tratado que quitarles el miedo hacia él.


    Mathias, fue el primero en acercarse y creo que en tomarle cariño, le encanta estar cerca de él, sin que príncipe lo toque 😂😂😂 y le da comida.


    Las gemelas son un show, sabira no le tiene miedo para nada, de hecho ella deja que se le monte en la mano y en el vestido, está muy pendiente de él, al contrario de Georgette, que no se le acerca mucho, y le da comida de lejos 😂😂😂.


    Por el contrario, Anna Paula no le gusta en lo absoluto, le tiene miedo y dice que es feo (cosa que no es cierto).

    Por parte de mi esposo @Soychalbed a quien Sí le gusta los animales, le hace cariño y cuando está acostado en la hamaca se lo monta en el pecho, pueden creer que príncipe se queda tranquilo y hasta se duerme 😂😂 está muy consentido.

    En mi caso, es mi hijo menor 🤣🤣🤣 me tocó darle comida y agua con inyectadora porque estaba muy pequeño y no comía solito, lo tapaba bien con una cobija todas las noches para que no le diera frío ya que aún no tenia plumas.



    Actualmente le han crecido bastante sus plumas, ya come solito, aunque no sabe tomar agua solo, aún se la doy, le encanta el pepino y las fresas, también le doy masa y guayaba, lo que si he estado atenta es a darle agua por lo menos 4 veces al día, ya que el calor que está haciendo está muy fuerte y me da miedo que se vaya a deshidratar.

    Así que, a nuestra familia hexagonal llegó un miembro más, un miembro con plumas 😂😂


    Gracias por leer parte de mi, les envío un abrazo cargado de bendiciones.


    I tell you that, 2 years ago I was given what here in Venezuela they call a "Dirty-faced Parakeet", a friend brought it to me, he took it when he saw a branch falling from a tree, we raised it at home since it had no feathers, but one day, a cat scared it and it died.

    I am not a big animal person, but I love birds, I was talking about this event and a representative told me that she was going to give me another one, because where she lives you can see them a lot, and so it was!

    One day, specifically on March 19, my representative arrived with a small, beautiful parakeet, that didn't even have feathers yet 😍 so, like the previous one I decided to take care of it until it grew up.


    When I got home, my children were surprised, they wanted to hold him and although they were afraid of him, they tried to do their best, the first thing we gave him was the name, in this case, we all decided to call him PRINCE ARTURO, from that moment on I have talked to them and let them know that the new member of the family must be taken care of, because just like them, he feels, he gets hungry, thirsty and it hurts when he gets hurt, but above all, I have tried to take away their fear towards him.


    Mathias, was the first one to get close to him and I think he became fond of him, he loves to be near him, without prince touching him 😂😂😂😂 and gives him food.


    The twins are a show, sabira is not afraid of him at all, in fact she lets him ride on her hand and on her dress, she is very attentive to him, unlike Georgette, who doesn't get very close to him, and feeds him from afar 😂😂😂😂.


    On the contrary, Anna Paula doesn't like him at all, she is afraid of him and says he is ugly (which is not true).

    On my husband's side @Soychalbed who does like animals, he makes him affectionate and when he is lying in the hammock he rides him on his chest, you can believe that prince stays calm and even falls asleep 😂😂 he is very spoiled.

    In my case, he is my youngest son 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had to give him food and water with an injector because he was very small and did not eat alone, I covered him well with a blanket every night so he would not get cold because he still had no feathers.



    Nowadays his feathers have grown a lot, he eats by himself, although he doesn't know how to drink water by himself, I still give it to him, he loves cucumber and strawberries, I also give him dough and guava, what I have been paying attention to is to give him water at least 4 times a day, because the heat is very strong and I'm afraid he's going to dehydrate.

    So, to our hexagonal family arrived one more member, a member with feathers 😂😂.


    Thank you for reading part of me, I send you a hug loaded with blessings.

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