Plan B, The Savior

in voilk •  last month

    Plan B, The Savior

    Photo by Christina Morillo

    "Guys, today's examination is the best so far. It was as if Mr. Abdul received my prayer requests and set questions based on what I read," Abed told his two friends, John and Dan on their way home.

    "Honestly, today's examination was a bonus for all of us, even students from secondary school could attempt some questions perfectly. I guess Mr. Abdul doesn't want any student to carryover his course," John replied.

    "For real?" Dan stopped walking and looked at John for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I know the examination was simple, but some questions were difficult for me, I won't lie."

    Abed and John looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Is there anything that isn't hard for you at all? Even if the question was to write Alphabets you would have still complained," Abed responded.

    John gave Dan some distance and said "Why won't he complain when he is a part-time student?"

    "Ah! you are so lucky you ran, this punch would have gone straight for your mouth," Dan extended his hands showing John his fist while chuckling.

    "That Reminds me, please which of you has a complete note on Bio321?" Dan asked when they reached the school's gate.

    "We are writing the Examination tomorrow, what do you want it for?" Abed Asked.

    "You know already bro, I don't have the note," Dan replied, covering his face with his right hand.

    "This your unseriousness is getting out of hand Dan," Abed replied

    "I was right, you see?" John teased Dan again.

    "If I catch you," Dan replied to John throwing pebbles at him.

    Abed laughed and said, "Come on, John, we all know how busy Dan is, forget I tease him too, sponsoring oneself in school Isn't easy. You know how demanding his Keke work (commercial tricycle riding) is. So don't make the young man feel bad."

    "I have the note, I'll give it to you, but on one condition; you will do whatever you want to do with it and bring it back by evening, latest 7:00 pm, deal?" Abed replied to Dan.

    "Thanks so much, Abed, it's a deal. I'll bring it back even before the agreed time," Dan answered instantly.

    "Alright then," Abed replied, then took off his backpack, unzipped it, and gave Dan the book. "7:00 Pm," he emphasized.

    "Trust me, bro, 7:00 Pm is 7:00 Pm, I won't fail you," Dan reaffirmed. After that conversation, they parted ways.

    When Abed got home, he took his bath and had his meal, then decided to sleep after setting an alarm to wake him up by 7:00 pm.

    Out of stress he slept from 2:00 pm till 7:00 Pm when his alarm began to sound. When he woke up, he checked the time and it was 7, he checked his phone if there were any missed calls from Dan but there were none.

    He went outside his room and asked his neighbor whose room was directly facing his if Dan came around but the guy said "no."

    Abed, dialed Dan's phone number several times but it was not connecting, he kept trying the number and hoping to see Dan show up like in movies but he was disappointed.

    Abed became so worried and angry. "What do I do now?" He walked to and fro in the room thinking. He looked at the clock. It was already some minutes past the hour 10. It's obvious Dan isn't showing up anymore. He was hurt because Dan gave him so much assurance that made him relax and now it's late.

    But Abed is someone who always has a backup option for everything he does. The reason why he gave his note to Dan and did not insist he snapped it with phone Instead was because he knew John also had a complete note on Bio321 and in the case where either of them had an incomplete note, or something unexpected came up they studied together.

    So, he didn't hesitate, he called John on the phone, when John picked up, he asked, "Are you home?"

    "Yes, I am, where would I be by this time of the night?" John replied.

    "Okay, I am coming over to study with you, Dan didn't fulfill his promise," Abed responded.

    "I knew it, thank your ancestors I am in this school, please come over," John teased him.

    The following day, after Examination, Abed and John were still worried and talking about Dan's number not connecting and they didn't see him in the examination hall, while they were seated under a locust bean tree situated outside the hall, when someone cleared his throat behind them.

    When they turned to check, it was Dan, he looked unkempt, his hair was not combed, his shirt was squeezed and his shoes were dusty, he was unlike Dan, they knew.

    He went straight to Abed, "Brother, I am so sorry. I don't even know how to apologize," he said, handing over the note to Abed.

    Hmm, Abed Sighed, "what happened?" He asked.

    "It's a Long story. Yesterday after I left you guys, around 5 Pm I was informed that my Mom was ill and my attention was needed urgently. I was so confused, I was supposed to call you but my battery was low, so I just had to leave.

    When I got to the village, there was no light and the network could only be found in some strategic areas like mountains which I couldn't visit because it was late already," Dan explained.

    "My God, how is she doing now?" Abed asked

    "Well, she's recovering fast, she would be discharged this morning, the doctor said it's high typhoid," Dan replied.

    "Sorry man, she will be fine John," responded.

    Abed looked at him quietly for a moment then tapped him and said, "Don't worry your Mom will be okay."

    "Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it. she's already okay, God's willing. So Abed, how did you prepare for the examination?" Dan asked.

    Abed chuckled, "There is always a way out, I had a plan B before giving you the note. I have some important points jotted down in a separate book and our guy John also has a complete note, so I went to his place and we studied together. The examination was great, I enjoyed it. The question now is, did you write well?" Abed asked.

    "Emm, Emm, well, I did my best," Dan replied.

    Abed looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry you will pass okay?"

    "I hope so," Dan replied. After the conversation, they left for their various homes.

    The following semester when results were out, all of them passed without a single carryover, Dan never ceased to say that his result was a miracle.

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