Nature Observer||Apis dorsata

in voilk •  2 months ago
    Latin NameObservation dateLocation
    Apis dorsata09 feb 2025Regency Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

    Hello my friends, meet me again in this beloved community, I hope you are all always healthy and happy so that you can carry out your daily activities like the previous days

    In this meeting I will share a picture of a bee looking for nectar in a wild flower, I found the photo when I was looking for feed for my goats, I accidentally saw the bee and then I decided to take some pictures of it so that it can be shared in this beloved community

    My friends, did you know that
    Bees have an important role in the balance of the ecosystem. In addition to honey products that are beneficial to humans, bees also have a role as pollinating insects. Without bees, the balance of the ecosystem will be disrupted and affect various sectors of life.

    Okay my friends,
    Below are some of the pictures, I hope you all enjoy what I share at this meeting, see you at the next meeting ....

    Camera usedHandphone
    Iso speedISO
    Focal lengthMM
    PhotographyApis dorsata

    About the author

    Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum, is my hobby.

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