in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello ladies and gentlemen of these prestigious community here on hive it's another round table talks on yet another thought provoking series about facts and event in the Bible, I know I have missed the earlier episode on these series, I'm glad I'm able to catch up on this before the timer runs out....

    It's about time we talk about the issues, facts and contradictions surrounding Easter celebration cut across the world.

    At some point I said that Christianity and it's practices differs all around the globe, many believes and doctrines in different churches but we all believe that we're serving one God who dwells in the heavens,

    The issues of Easter is one that is way older than all of us combined, but the reality lies in the documented word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit, so we believe that it is, because it was written seen and heard from one generation to another.

    I was talking with a friend of mine and u told him how wonderful God creates the world and he makes all of it perfects in their own time and seasons... So when one part of the world wakes up another goes to sleep, while one is going to work another is returning, while one passed away another is being born all of these regulations designed by God is made in such a way that the world will not be in chaos or jeopardy

    Currently now there's a social media war going on among some very prominent men of God in my country about what Jesus said and didn't say, what he actualy meant by what he said, so there's this back and forth thing about what is written in the Bible, so the Bible says a house divided against itself cannot stand, everyone wants to craft out that part of the scriptures that favours them and neglect the rest which is not ought to be so, the Bible says in Hebrews that all scriptures us given by the inspiration of the holyspirit, then why do we bring these enmity among ourselves in the body of Christ..

    About Easter celebration personally in n my country and region we celebrate it every year, I mean I was born and raised that way, so I've come to believe it, but as Bro Eli will teach us that many people are doing or celebrating what they know nothing about which is actually true, talking about the difference in years, one time I did a research about what we believed to be 1st JANUARY to be the beginning of every year and I found out that it was a date set by a man as proposed to be by one of those Greek gods and so generation after generation we celebrate new year on 1st JANUARY

    In my country the Easter celebration falls around last week of match and first week of April, personally I don't know how they arrived at those month but what I do know is that the Bible said in John 20:1 if you read the NLT translation it says

    That means he resurrected on Sunday, now if you recall Jesus's statement before Pilate he said

    If you should count that from Friday that makes Sunday the third day and he resurrected on the third day juat as he said it...

    It's not like I'm trying to contradict issues, this are my kindid and factual opinion, you see it's not like Jesus Christ have to die every year, personally I have a personal reflection on what he actually did on the cross every day whether it's Easter or not

    Also remember what Jesus told his disciples

    Personally I would lay emphasis on the phrase As Often As You Do This you do in remembrance of me, this was JESUS's words to his disciples and as much as we know every word in the Bible transcends to every generation Not just to the group of people it was said to at the time, that's why the event in those times were documented so that we would read and believe that it was actually true not just some mere saying of men..

    So I believed God's word as IT IS WRITTEN

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