Inktober 2024, Day 4: Exotic

in voilk •  2 days ago


    Exotic - Ink drawing, 21 x 16cm, Inktober 2024

    Do you remember the planet the aliens discovered on day two? Their explorers and scientists went down to it and collected some samples. One of them was of a strange purple plant. How curious and odd! Look at these leaves. Are they leaves? They do not appear to be attached to the plant itself. Hmm. They hover around the stems. Or, are they some symbiotic organisms? We will need some testing done at the lab once we return to the ship.

    Oh, it was fun to imagine the aliens roaming around the planet they had found during their exploration. I immediately knew that I would want to incorporate the second prompt in some way again, as to tell what happened further. In my notebook, next to the prompt - exotic, I had written: a bird or a plant. What kind of plant? An alien plant! Of course! Boom. It clicked again.

    After that, it was smooth sailing again. I was fully immersed. I was in the zone. It was pure magic!


    Here are the progress shots. This alien plant seemed eager to appear in existence. It felt almost too easy to some extent, with no hang-ups and no struggling whatsoever. I enjoyed every second of it.



    For day 4, I used these tools and materials. I especially like the combination of 971 violet and 968 peat brown inks from Winsor & Newton, as they seem to work very well together.



    I was still low on energy from the previous day’s struggles. The whole ordeal messed up my sleep, but I am hopeful I can fix it soon. I am also considering posting maybe every 3 days with 3 prompts in one post, probably after I finish the first week. The Inktober itself is a challenge. Posting every day makes it a lot more challenging. I like to take time with every post I make and slowly craft away. It can be very exhausting, and usually, it sneaks up on me unnoticed.




    4 days! I can’t wait to fill the whole table with drawings in multiple layers! Onwards!

    Song of the day: M83 - Holograms

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