Learning From the Opponent ~ Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, good people, how are you all?
    This week's super sneak ruleset is also playing sneak peek with me, let's not drag on that, hehe lol. This week, I have played numerous battles, maybe more than any of the before just because I was too much free to spend my time on battles. So yeah, here I am, to share my experience, thoughts, and findings on this week's selected ruleset to participate in the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!


    Let's see the battle and then discuss further…..

    My Lineup & Rulset

    Tarsa (1).png


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    Ruleset: Super Sneak


    • All melee units gain the Sneak ability.

    Scorch Fiend






    Summoner: As my summoner I have decided to go with the TARSA, a Rare FIRE Summoner. it gives +1 Melee and +1 Health to all friendly monsters. The plan is to go with a melee attack and so this is the sweetest spot for me to build my lineup.

    1st Position: As for my first monster, I had chosen GRUM FLAMEBLADE, a Legendary Fire unit. I am taking this monsters in my most battles wherever I can fit this. This one is a 11-mana monster, with 4 melee attacks, 1 speed, 5 armor, and 10 health. The sweet spot is its bloodlust ability which, whenever it defeats an enemy all the stats get increased by 1. Also, the Void Armor ability which makes the opponent magic monsters to hit the armor before its health. Isn’t this a great Tank? I guess so, and that's why I have placed this,

    2nd Position: In the second position, I had placed PALLUS. An 8-mana card with 3 melee attacks, 3 speed, 1 armor, and 7 health. It has Reach ability so it can attack from the second position, the perfect place to fir it. Also, the Flying ability gives it a 25% bonus chance to evade melee and ranged attacks from units that don't have the flying ability, another key point for which I considered this in the lineup. This was the only suitable monster with reach to be placed in the second position in my arsenal. It served me as expected.

    3rd Position: In the third position, I have chosen Mordeus, It cost me 7 mana but has 5 melee attacks with 2 speeds, and 4 health. This is such a powerful card, the health is low but 5 melee attacks, and with Tarsa's added 1 it will be doing 6 melee attacks each time. Due to its ambush ability, it always gets special consideration from me, with the hope that it will remove the armor before the battle starts and the big monsters will take the big pie from the opponent's health. Isn't it enough to take down a card on a good hit?

    4th Position: In this last position, I had placed GOBALANO SOLDIERA, a 3 mana monster with 1 melee attack, 3 speed, and 2 health. It also has the Sneak and Ambush ability so it can attack before the battle begins. I have placed this here with the hope that it can remove armor before the battle begins and can do another later.

    5th position: In the 5th position, I had to pick MAD OGRE ANARCHIST which is a 6-mana monster with 2 melee attacks, 2 speeds, 4 health, and 2 armor. From the summoner, this one got an additional melee and health, making it even better.

    6th position: In the 6th position, I had to pick Scorch Fiend which is a 0-mana monster with 1 melee attack, 2 speeds, and 1 health. Hell yeah, this is a bonus card that costs nothing to add to the lineup if you have some space to add, hehe lol. With a sneak from the ruleset, it will be able to strike as well or this is a sacrificial goal on the lineup.

    My Battle ~ [ Good Plans !! ]

    Link: Click Here to Watch The Battle

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    First of all, I must praise my opponent's lineup which he had perfectly planned keeping the ruleset in mind. As we got sneak ability so the monsters will be attacking the last monsters in the lineup instead of the front ones. He had placed a monster with Thorns ability that gives 2 melee damage back to the melee attackers. Look at the below screenshot.

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    By the time, it was down, I lost two of my sacrificial goats and and rest of the monster taking damage just by attacking that thron ability monster, it hurts!!

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    Another good approach by my opponent was to take one monster with Heal and another with Scavenger ability in the front as by the time I would come to attack the front monster their health would be increased, good one mate!!

    But guess what, from this level, my bloodlust monster started celebrating the glory after killing one after another.

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    Pallus did an amazing job with its flying ability escaping many attacks from the opponent. And, there was no setback, my bloodlust monster did the rest of the job and I got the victory.

    Actually, this was interesting more because of my opponent's lineups and plans that were so good, I learned from that, and maybe from next, I will be able to better tweak my lineup for better results.

    Read this week's announcement post for Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Also, if you want to join Splinterlands then visit My Referral Link. Don't hesitate to knock me in case of any need.
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