A shout-out to this hiver for his impact on the hive ecosystem. 

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Who is someone you admire on Hive? a great author or someone doing a good job for Hive?

    Today, the Marchinleo monthly prompt challenges us to give a shout out to a content creator we admire on Hive or someone doing a good job for Hive, and so I choose to recognize this great hiver, the founder of the Newbies initiative, who has been making an impact in the blockchain through mentoring the newbies on Hive.


    I was barely 3 months old on Hive when I encountered @starstrings01 through the newbies initiative. Then, I was just a blogger without any direction; I did not even know the right community to publish my post. I had just periphery knowledge about hive; everywhere looked like a strange land, and at some point, I felt this platform wasn't met for me until I had an encounter with this young man through the newbies initiative program. Things started making sense for me through the knowledge I was getting from the program. I started following Starstrings and his blogs always, reading and learning lots of newbie guides and other amazing contents he usually publishes from time to time. This hiver is not only a great content creator on Hive but a mentor as well. You see, knowing him gave me double blessings, and it has affected my hive journey positively till date. He was the reason why my foundation on the hive wasn't too shaky. I was quick to find my stand and direction on Hive through the Newbies initiative founded by this young man, so he deserves all the accolades from the depths of my heart.


    If I am not mistaken, this will be the fourth year he is running the newbies initiative, and lots of newbies on Hive have passed through him with amazing testimonies of the knowledge they grabbed about Hive. Interestingly, @starstrings01 is in his final year currently at the university, and his academic activities have become too demanding, coupled with projects and exams. Yet, he didn't want to cancel the first batch of the newbies program for the year coming up this April; instead, he reached out to me and others and pleaded that we help him see that the program is a success in this first batch as his availability wouldn't be 100%. It's obvious that he has a passion for mentoring newbies on hive, and I must always commend him for the great job he is doing for the hive ecosystem.

    What a great way to support Hive through the Newbies program! I have so many other content creators that I have come to admire so much on Hive, but I choose not to spam tag because they are many 🤗. Thanks For being an amazing hiver;, let's keep growing together. And finally,thanks to @starstrings01 for all you do on Hive.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

    This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #MarchInleo monthly topic Day 11. Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

    All images are from starstrings with his permission to use it

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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