Hiking the Woods of Shagadugh. Solang Mountain Manali.

in voilk •  last month


    Breadth, and Just Breadth You'll be in Heaven! That’s what I wondered when I was at this place.

    Julley Everyone,

    A beautiful day out here somwehre in the Hills of Solang Valley and the Solang Mountain. This is a story of a portion of my Solang Valley Expedition in Manali and the whole expedition was a lot to cover up so just breaking the parts of the wole alpine style expedition into chapters and this one stands on among them.

    You guys can check my other blog posts about covering the different portions of the whole mountain peak and different experiences that I had at this place and the expedition.

    Just right in front of us where in my previous blog posts where I have discussed these bushy shrubs as the ancient Tea Garden of Himalayas, somewhere at the edge of the tea gardens and rite in front of us was the dense forest. The dense jungle that we had to cover in order to make a journey beyond.

    So guys, as of this post, I will be sharing my experience about entering the last Woods as beyond this particular point, there would be no trees as we were at quite a high altitude place about 4000 m above the sea level where no trees grow as it is above the Tree line Zone. (NTZ)

    The Trees, don’t know what they were called, but they were standing so high up in the sky. As you guys can see the whole place very green and colourful as there was this tiny trail and these trees with the leaves that were evergreen throughout the year.


    The way that these trees used to be evergreen throughout the year was something that they used to shread their leaves at quite a times, and the leaves that were turning yellow were now formed up with the new grown leaves that were baby bright and green in colour.

    The time that I remember when I captured these photographs, it was around 9 AM in the morning and we had been hiking for more than 3 to 4 hours continuously. The whole forest was really very dense as you guys can see right in front of us.

    Guys, this whole place it was really very peaceful, really, very magical. I would say as you can see the landscapes. They were just insane right in front of us was the mountain peak and the whole mountain chain was called seven sisters of Solang Valley.

    The green flora and Fauna of this place, the blue sky right above us, and the mountain peaks that were bringing up the clouds as they were making a pathway through them.

    We followed the path that was right in front of us, and we were quite sure enough that it was the pathway that would lead us to the top of the mountain as there were no tourists, no people, and not even the hikers on this trek. It was the whole mountain where we were all alone, so Beyond this, there would be a place called Sagadugh about that I have shared in my previous blog post.

    Link to the Post of the Journey Beyond.


    So the last woods, this particular portion was the story about the midway of the last patch, and I will be sharing about the experience and expedition beyond this point in my upcoming post so that even you guys could get to know about the place more clearer and you guys can also get to know about the true picture of the same and experience that hidden side of the Himalayas.


    So guys, that’s all for today, I hope you liked it.

    Thanks for your precious time. 🙏
    Love from the Himalayas ❤️

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