in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello great people @HiveNaija community, happy new week and its yet another awesome time on the @hivenaija weekly prompt. I'm @fab-tay and i am excited to be participating in this week's prompt as my discuss will be on the balance approach i will employed towards raising the next generation (children) from my family. It promises to be an exciting read, kindly follow through.

    Special thanks to my parents, family and loved ones who have invested so much in me over the years because child raising in all honesty is demanding/laborous, it is a huge investment with alot of sacrifices involved. One part of my upbringing that i cheerished so much with the impacts still felt and is helping me till date which i will also replicate in my children is the teaching and learning of the basic lessons of life at early age. Its good to reiterate the fact that the childhood phase of life is the best time of been taught these lessons and also, parents are the first model of these lessons to their children.

    I was raised from a background where the mix of both religion (Christian faith) and culture (Yoruba) are both cherished and upheld. The beautiful thing is that some values in both matched and are interwoven which helped in shaping us for the future. At a very young age, basic life lessons like been disciplined, honest, dilligent, faithfulness, love of one another, fidelity, truthfulness, courtesy, good morals and so on were inculcated in us. For example, going late to school is a no for us because we would have been dressed for as early as possible and taken to school early enough with both parent of mine been teachers themselves working with the government.

    In addition, laziness of not doing homework, lying, stealing and many other wrong values are not allowed in our home. It was easy to do this things then as my parents are modelling such to us and no negative comments about them from outsiders or from one another, so it's difficult to do such. The peer pressure of identifying with wrong friends is kept at a low as my parents knew my friends and we are cut off from some environment of negative impacts/influence. In case of deviations, the rod of correction wasn't withheld from us as we are not indulged from wrong doings and this shaped us for the present life we are enjoying now.

    On another side, one part i never want to recreate in my children is that of lack of family time out. Family time out is one thing i wasn't raised with and in some ways has some undesired impart on me now as an adult and i have to retrain. For example, there should be family hangouts, dinning out, family trips, excursions etc which is well planned as time, resources and concious efforts is made towards that. The truth is that such outings brings some exposion to the children and helps them to relate well in some gatherings especially corporate gatherings. I believe i can do better in this regard and see the needed positive impact in the next generation.

    In all, parenting is a privilege which comes with responsibility, commitment and sacrifices. It must be done intentionally and carefully which at the end can make or mar depending on the how it is done.
    Thanks so much for reading and comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. I wish us all a great week ahead.

    This is my entry to @Hivenaija weekly prompt 42 which is posted through @inleo

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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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