Kindness is priceless

in voilk •  5 months ago

    There are many definitions of kindness; the one you give depends on how you view it. Kindness has a way of bringing rewards at the appropriate time; this is one thing I learned from my grandmother. Being kind comes naturally; it's not a feeling that can be forced. A wicked person will always remain a wicked person, no matter how he or she tries to change; likewise, a kind person will always remain kind.

    To me, kindness is an act of being selfless, generous, friendly, and considerate. I look at those wicked people, and I imagine how they live their lives. It must have been so boring to live a selfish life with no act of selflessness in it. One big lesson I learned from my grandma is to always be kind to people, no matter where I find myself. She taught me that kindness pays, and I nicknamed her kindness because she is just too kind.

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    Kindness is finding it easy to do things for people without discrimination. You are ready to help, irrespective of who the person is. Kindness is rendering selfless service without expecting anything in return. Many of the so-called kind people today are always after what's in their kindness for them to gain. Once there is nothing they would gain from being kind to someone, they won't bother to help out, which is so uncalled for.

    Why must there be a price for kindness? This is the world we find ourselves in now—a world where everything comes with a price. People no longer want to hear the word kindness because they believe that to survive and make it, you have to be wicked. Only the wicked can walk through thorns to get their desires. We are in a generation where humanity is lost. This is why a human can kidnap his or her fellow human and get him or her killed without feeling guilty.

    Seventy to eighty percent of people go about with a dead conscience; kindness is a forgotten word. Kindness is feeling the pain of others; that's putting yourself in others' shoes. When you no longer have this prick of conscience when you are hurting a fellow human, then there is no act of kindness in you. Many people today are enjoying the rewards of their grandparents's kindness, while others are reaping the rewards of their parents's kindness. In the likes of this, some are reaping the reward of wickedness sown by their grandparents or parents, and the ones sow themselves.

    Kindness begets good seeds, and it makes life more fun to live in than in a world of hostility where everyone would be cautious of one another. I choose to be kind any day and any time, not just for today alone but also for the future and my generation yet unborn.

    Kindness doesn't cost anything, but wickedness does, so I still wonder why people prefer wickedness to kindness. Why can't the world afford something as priceless as kindness?

    Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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