The friendly orange cat, a newcomer to our school

in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago

    Hello friends in Caturday Community 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

    Today I will show you a newcomer to our school, a friendly orange cat, we gave him the name "orange" because the color of his fur resembles orange. This wild cat is very friendly and easy to make friends with.



    We, the teachers and students, don't know where this cat came from, in the morning, the orange cat was at school. Its soft and smooth fur attracts the attention of the school community.




    So I tried to approach him and stroke his soft fur, he wasn't angry, it seemed like this orange cat was obedient, not grumpy like most other wild cats. When I approached him, he was not afraid and instead tried to be friendly with me.


    Then I tried to hold him, he obeyed and didn't struggle. This orange cat is very spoiled, he is friendly and easy to make friends, he is one of the newcomers who will become a favorite of the school community.


    The orange started to meow, meow, meow, he was hungry. We scramble to provide food.




    This orange cat looks hungry, we don't know where it came from, maybe it has been on a tiring journey. The orange cat ate very hungrily along with the other stray cats at school.



    After eating, I saw the orange cat starting to follow another cat, it seemed he liked "the striped one". When I was teaching 8th grade, I saw the two of them right in the yard in front of my class.



    I didn't want to disturb the two of them, I returned to focusing on teaching and let "orange" approach "striped".


    When break time came, I returned to the teacher's room and saw a cat cleaning its fur, it started licking its entire body, so that its fur remained shiny and clean. He deliberately looks for a position near sunlight, so that his wet fur can dry quickly. He discovered a natural "hair dryer" and he really enjoyed it. I saw the gleam of the sun shining on its feathers.




    The bell rang again and break time was over, I had to go back to teaching. The presence of stray cats in our school makes the school atmosphere more lively. Their presence brings happiness to the school community.

    Thank you for reading my post.
    Best Regards

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