Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event | Have you bought any?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello guys! Bitcoin halving has been done and to celebrate this big moment in the history of the crypto market, Splinterlands has decided to launch a special event. We didn't see much volatility in the crypto market unlike some who were expecting a sharp price rise or fall. Anyways, let's focus on the splinterlands event.

    This event is called the Baron's Bounty and it started more than a week ago and will run for five more days. You can see the info on the event page on the Shop page on the Splinterlands Website.

    Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event is a special promotional event which features two new cards, Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer

    This gives places to buy these special cards at up to 50% discounted price and stand a chance to win some amazing rewards. However, the later you buy these cards you will get a chance in the draw. But there are some guaranteed prices as well.

    Already the players at the top of the leaderboard have so many chances in this draw that it feels next to impossible to win if you have just a couple of chances. Look at the players on the top of the leaderboard with so many purchased units. I wish I had that kind of capital to spend on this event. There are still more than 5 days left and I expect the leader to change slightly but not too much as you get a better multiplier if you purchase early. But still, nothing is impossible for a whale...right?

    Talking about the prizes, there is a leaderboard which ranks every player based on the amount of cards purchased and there are some good prizes on the top. You will earn a point for every DEC or CREDIT that you spend and the earlier you spend you get a better multiplier which will help you to get more chances in the pool of prizes. This pool is almost valued at $100K.

    If the total value of the reward pool is nearly $100K, there must be some amazing prizes...right? Let's have a look at them!

    Some very tempting rewards. Look at those 500 Plot Tokens and 20 Runi. I would be happy to even get one of the packs from this one. But I just have 1 chance and I don't think statistically I have any significant chances, my chances are close to zero. So, I am not expecting to win anything. But look at them, aren't they nice?

    But we didn't even look at the two new cards yet. Excuse me! Have I lost it already? Talking about the event without actually talking about the new cards that you can

    Let's talk about the cards in detail.

    The Baron Fyatt is the more powerful among the two and hence costs 10x the price compared to the other. It is a legendary unit dealing magic attack damage and comes with some very impressive abilities.

    Both of these will come with the Having abilities which is one of my favorite abilities in the game. It becomes very powerful at level 3 and level 4 when it gains the ambush ability so it can just make a powerful attacker lose half of its attacking strength before even starting the battle. That's going to be very useful.

    The price of Baron Fyatt is 31,250 DEC/CREDITS but you can use your vouchers to get a discount. 50 DEC off for every voucher used. This is helpful for players with decent decks and can be a good addition to them.

    The Henchling Enforcer is the second card available in this promo event. This is a ranged attacker and rare unit that can be used in both Life and Water elements. It is quite powerful at level 7 and level 8 with the addition of the 'Camouflage' ability so it can stay hidden at the end of the lineup and quietly do its job.

    This costs a lot less than the last one. You can buy this for just over three thousand DEC or CREDITS and you can use vouchers to make it 50% off. I went and bought one as I could easily afford this one. I might buy one more to stand a chance to win some rewards.

    Anyway, let me know what your thoughts are about this new promo event. Are you excited to buy some new cards how many have you purchased yet or how many are you planning to buy? It is better to buy early because there is a points multiplier which will decrease by 0.14 with every passing day. So, there might not be many people waiting at the end to buy more.

    Thanks for reading...

    Splinterlands is a popular NFT-based play2earn game. If you have not joined the game yet, then you are missing a lot of fun. You can join by using my referral link.



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