Social Media Challenge! - Change in rank system / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - ランク制度の変更

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

    There have been changes to the rank system this season. I'm almost done with the season, but since the changes had a large impact on me, I thought I'd write this time about my impressions of how I've played so far.
    My impressions are as follows.


    1. there were players with Summoner levels of 6 and up, even in battles with less than Rate1000.
    2. card rentals were activated and rental income increased slightly.
    3. matching seems to have become faster.
    1. Rate1000未満のバトルでもサモナーレベルが6以上のプレイヤーがいた。
    2. カードのレンタルが活性化してレンタル収入が微増した。
    3. マッチングが早くなった気がする。

    I bet everyone bought more cards and battled it out. Everyone does it. I do it too.

    きっとみんなカードを買い増ししてバトルしたんだろうね。誰だってそーする。 私もそーする。


    Here are my impressions.


    1. there were players with Summoner levels of 6 and up, even in battles with less than Rate1000.

    >1. Rate1000未満のバトルでもサモナーレベルが6以上のプレイヤーがいた。

    This was everyone's first thought when they heard about the elimination of card level caps by leagues. Of course, that's exactly what happened.
    Since my card level is at the Bronze League level and my opponent's card level is at the Gold League level or higher, our combat power is different.


    There are differences in stats such as attack power and speed, and most importantly, the abilities are different.
    Many cards have one more ability when they are raised from the upper level of the Bronze League to the upper level of the Silver League. This is significant.



    The usual DJINN OSHANNUS is also a very influential monster. At level 1 it is Void only, at level 2 it adds Phase in addition to Void.
    This is significant! Originally, OSHANNUS is a tank that can also aim to evade, but magic attacks will always hit him. Of course, Void can reduce the damage by half, but there were many times when OSHANNUS was knocked down by the concentrated fire.
    But with Phase! Even magic attacks! You can avoid them! This is a big advantage!

    いつもの DJINN OSHANNUS も影響の大きいモンスターなのです。レベル1ではVoidのみ、レベル2になるとVoidに加えてPhaseが追加されます。

    Similarly, the number of monsters that are enhanced all at once because they have abilities that they could not have in the Bronze League has increased. Perhaps this is one reason for the increase in card purchases.


    2. card rentals were activated and rental income increased slightly.

    >2. カードのレンタルが活性化してレンタル収入が微増した。

    This is really a personal impression. I think more cards are being rented that were not rented before. Some cards were Combine and leveled up and put up for rent. On the other hand, I have watched rentals and used them in play for my own use, but in total, rental income has increased slightly.



    I raised my Summoner from the Bronze League level to the Silver League level, and to do that I synthesized the GoldFoil Summoner that I had been putting out for rent.
    So the number of cards I have out for rent has decreased, but my daily rewards have increased slightly.
    So perhaps more people are using the cards for rentals.
    I haven't done a detailed analysis, so this is just my personal opinion.


    3. matching seems to have become faster.

    >3. マッチングが早くなった気がする。

    I think this is what makes me happiest. Because faster matching means more people are playing. Rather than an increase in newcomers, I wonder if players who were stuck in a rut and didn't play much have resumed playing. That's my impression.


    Of course, if there are no changes, we will get stuck in a rut again. I would like to see an increase in new players. I seem to remember that there was an announcement in the roadmap or something that this year we would be trying to attract new players, and I really want that to happen.
    It is often said that games without an increase in new players will taper off.
    I really hope so!


    I know I've said this many, many times, but is there any place that makes an application that reads battle logs and plays them back locally? If there is a tool that can play back animations that look good on streaming, the distributors can choose a gem of a battle to stream and get excited, or they can play back the battle of the LEADER BOARD they are interested in and enjoy it themselves.

    何回も何回も言うけれど、バトルログを読み込んでローカルで再生するアプリを作ってくれるところはないのかな。配信映えするアニメーションを再生できるツールがあれば配信者の人が珠玉の1戦を選んで配信して盛り上がることもできるし、自分で気になるLEADER BOARDのバトルを再生して楽しむこともできる。

    I wish they would make a tool that would read the logs and play back the 3D battle animations in a local environment, because it's obvious that if you do it online, the load is too much! Someone make it!




    This is only the first season with the change in the rank system, so I'm sure there will be minor changes in the future. But as an overall evaluation, I think it's good. I have the impression that it is.


    After all, I don't think we can increase the number of new players this much. I would like to ask the management to take measures. And more than that, I hope that we, the players of the game, will be able to get along with the new players and make sure that they stay with us.



    The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
    If you are thinking of getting started, please sign up below.

    以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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