Ornamental flowers that are commonly grown

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, today let's take a look at the ornamental flowers that most Thai people like to plant in houses, along the roads, or along Nong Klong Bueng streams or in temples or monasteries. We'll show you what flowers there are. But in each place, what kind of flowers are planted as ornamental plants? These will be flowers, trees, ornamental plants of various colors that I have brought to friends to see as pleasing to the ears and eyes.

    This is a hibiscus flower that has a bright red color. This hibiscus flower is popularly planted around temples and around the land along with frangipani trees with white flowers. It is popularly planted in temples. As for the hibiscus in some houses, it is also popular. I plant it depending on what people like. It depends on which temple it will be planted in. This one will be at Wat Kru. I'll bring the pictures to show to friends.

    This is Dok Tabaek, but it is a hardwood that is popularly planted along the side of the highway or along a pond. It is a hardwood. I would like to plant it where I build a house because it is a hardwood and may not be resistant to termites. Eat.![Uploading

    A little more ornamental plant. People like to plant it a lot, whether it's on roads or temples. They might like to plant bougainvillea trees. This bougainvillea tree is very popular for planting along roads because between February and March, bougainvillea will bloom. Very beautiful. Today we are introducing Bougainvillea for friends to see. And then we will end with wild calendula flowers. These are edible. The flowers are boiled and eaten with chili paste. They will definitely have a bitter taste, but It has no medicinal properties, meaning it can act as a mild laxative. Let's go look at the wild flowers.

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