If only

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Have you ever taken a decision, only to regret about it a few minutes later?

    I am sure you have. It happens to me all the time. So many times that I have said "if only".

    If only I had done this instead of that, if only I had said something else and in this case...

    ...if only I had taken my camera with me!

    Because this morning, I went out to walk the dog without taking a camera along. Partly because I wanted to enjoy the sunshine without carrying an extra weight, partly because I though that I have taken so many pictures of that same walk that enough is enough!

    But the minute I arrived above the beach and saw the view, I totally regret it! Not so much to go back home and take a camera but enough to take out my phone and try to substitute the lack of a more serious image capturing device :)

    I counted five people swimming and a few more sunbathing but although the sea looked so tempting I continued uphill to the castle and the meadow I discovered a couple of weeks ago. After all I had a canine friend with me and I had promised him some time off the leash :)




    The tower of the clock (you can't see the clock in the picture above but it is there, you can take my word for it) was a major milestone. A few meters away from the meadow and the second part of our walk where the dog would run in a frenzy and I would roam around taking pictures of flowers and catching some sun!




    On the way back I took one more shot of the sea accompanied by a big sigh.

    If only I hadn't stopped swimming a couple of months ago...


    This is my contribution to the #wednesdaywalk challenge, hosted by @tattoodjay!

    Today I used the camera of my Xiaomi Redmi Note 12s and I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

    All the pictures and the words are mine.

    Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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