A Golden escape (part 2)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    What's up stackers!

    Last post was a mix collection of gold and silver coins and trinkets, today will be no different. I will continue the coinscapades to the Dragon lair for more information on their origins, despite it's lack of popularity, you're getting part 2 anyway...Too bad. There is no escaping the coins coming to life as I try to turn them into characters or other, not even the blockchain is free from the precious metal infiltration financial freedom army! It's all about having fun in a creative way and not taking ourselves too seriously.

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    1/4 oz RCM gold hologram maples. These are some of my favorite coins to photograph, it looks different under every type of lighting and the colors can come out strong. The Royal Canadian Mint has issued several hologram coins over the years both in gold and silver as they sharpened their technologies. This is an older coin, I don't know if they still make the hologram much now that they have a top of the line colorized collections.

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    Ok, now lets leave reality and dive back into the mythical Canadian forest where precious metal trinkets come to life. To recap the semi-ending of the last post, I was trying to get passage from one of the Dark Mistress gatekeepers issued by @phelimint. I knew I would need serious back-up as she said her friend as near-by, I could not get thru one of them with my golden cross, never mind having to pass thru 2 of them. With the stackitis progressing, it was just a matter of time until I could see her too. The more time I wasted, here, the more time sensitive the mission got. I had to think fast. Then I saw a bright object coming down from the sky. What might that be? I wondered. Whatever it was, it had the Dark Mistress distracted too. OHHHH IT'S LADY LIBERTY!

    1924 St-Gaudens Double Eagle, it's been waiting to celebrate it's 100th year to officially become an antique coin. What a classic beauty!

    Me- Thank goodness you are here My Lady!
    Lady Liberty- I heard that old Cook, he only shows up when those 2 are up to no good. Where is the other one anyway?
    Me- I can't see her yet. My stackitis isn....


    Me- Ah there she is.

    Dark Mistress 2- Yes, Yes, I had to see what the ruckus was about. Who are you anyway? Why do you almost look like me? Copy cat.

    Lady Liberty- Hmmm...No. I'm the real deal, I had to interrupt my maiden voyage into antiquity for this? We are not even from the same millennium. Now go sit down somewhere. I have been battling debt based paper currencies all over the world for 100 years, there are many more of them...just two of you. You are just silver anyway, I'm much more valuable.

    Dark Mistress 2 No wonder you have a few dings and dents, I hate those guys too. Wait...What? You mean we somehow fight for the same side too? I'm confused. But you trust in God?

    Lady Liberty Yes, yes and I'm still holding strong.


    Dark Mistress 2 But I'm 99.99 percent pure evil, you are not pure golden light.

    Lady Liberty No... but I fight more paper currencies then you do so I've had to have a strong shield so I can continue to help Humans find safety from gradual currency devaluation as they increase the debt and circulating dollar supply. They multiply faster then anyone can keep up and water down value in wallets everywhere. Some are hard to see because they are just digits on a screen.

    Dark Mistress 2 I had no idea I helped humans too...Yeah, the wallets have it hard these days. Now I'm even more confused. I don't know if I want to like you or hate you. We seem to dislike the same things despite our differences.

    Dark Mistress 1 Alright Lady Liberty take your human and go. You are confusing my sister and I find that highly offensive from the both of you.

    Lady liberty turns to me...Quick, get on my back before they come to their senses. We have wasted much valuable time, I'll give you a boost up the mountain.


    Me Thank you Lady Liberty! We can always count on you to come to the rescue. You were able to confuse them so easily! How did you do that?

    Lady Liberty My golden reflection is too bright for them, it blinds them.

    Me Neat. I think my camera can relate. I'll let you back to your affairs. Antiquity is no small celebration. Congratulations on your achievement and keep up the good fight. Go show them paper dollars who's the boss. We believe in you.

    Lady Liberty Be careful in the stairs down to the Dragon's lair are steep. Good luck on you mission. Ask about the gems. I have some cousins in jewelry that are looking for Amethyst to complete their setting.

    Me Will do!

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    I made my way down the steep ammonite stairwell going into the mountain. My Iniskim stone ensured me safe passage here as they were of the same family. It was getting warmer and warmer and the stackitis was quickly progressing, I wasn't sure I would have enough mind left to entertain the Dragon if I met one. I was warned during my dragon research to be prepared for aggression when waking up a sleeping Dragon so I had my Golden Magic Dragon tranquilizer dart in one hand and Mortimer's shield in the other as I entered the cave at the bottom of the ammonite stairs.

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    Dragon Who goes there! I was sleeping. THE AUDACITY! Speak now before I roast you like dinner, I could use a snack.

    Me Sorry to wake you, I was on a quest to answer a few questions about dragons.

    Dragon Oh, you are shielded by Mortimer...Merlyn must have sent you. Mortimer builds some of the strongest shields full of lion bravery and I'm not looking for a fight with Merlyn or his kind. I lost a few brothers to him back in the day. Our numbers are too low to lose any more. You are looking pretty pale and you can see me.

    Me Yes Mr Dragon...you see...I have come a long way from my ship in the harbor for this task and the further I get from a stack the more I hallucinate.

    Dragon Ah I see... stackitis. We had no idea we transferred it to humans, we thought it went extinct when we disappeared to our lairs. Don't you have vaccines where you come from?

    Illustration found in the book I included in the last post by William O'connor


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    Me We have but one nurse that keeps records of all the cases for the entire blockchain. Nurse @kerrislravenhill can hardly keep up as new symptoms around the stackers especially away from their ship on business keep emerging stronger and stronger the further inland we go.

    Dragon Here, come sit and rest on my stack with me and have a coffee, recover a little. We have a longstanding antidote that has helped us for ages. We'll talk about all those secrets you are looking for.

    This illustration is from a different book I will get more into at the end of the story, this looks like it might go into part 3 territory.

    Me Dragons drink coffee? I didn't know.

    Dragon Yes we roast it ourselves. It's a fine art here. Is the stack working yet?

    Me Yes I feel much better now. Thank you. Now how do dragons cure stackitis when away from the lair?


    Dragon We encrust our chests and arms with gems and coins, it eventually falls off and we have to replace the supply but wearing a bit of the stack helps greatly. It acts as a shield. Much like Mortimer.

    Me Oh, ok. The ones like Lady Liberty's cousins? She rescued me from the Mean Girls and told me about her relatives. They are looking for Amethyst if you know anything. I would like to return the favor.

    Dragon MMM... Lady Amethyst... I know her, she can help but she's often busy finding gems. I'll get you there later when we are done here. Anything else?

    Me Yes I was looking for Dragon origin secrets or where I might find them.

    Dragon We don't give up those easily. You are going to have to share with me some human alchemy secrets to get them. We are always looking for new technologies.

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    Me You see Mr. Dragon, we take photos of treasures and shiny objects and share them on the internet where they both exist and not at the same time. We can see them from anywhere in the world but they are not really there.

    Dragon Intriguing...Your wizard...Mr. Internet, you called him. how can he give everyone so many visions of things that exist but don't from anywhere? What strength! Merlyn couldn't do that! Where can I find Mr. Internet so I keep an eye on him.

    Me No, no dragon it's not a wizard...Nevermind.

    Silver dragon pendent and chain

    Dragon Ok, I will reveal my secrets to you but only the most initiated can make it across all it's pages so the great riddle of the photo must be solved for the other humans. Only the truest of dragon enthusiast will know how to find their way to it.

    just another simple question, do you know QuetzalCoatl from Meso-America? Is he a dragon too?

    Dragon You ask a lot of questions... It's almost morning, now go to sleep and I'll fly you to Lady Amethyst's lair at night break so you get there on time at the peak of moonlight.

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    Alright, part 3 in a few days. Stack on! xox

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