4 Scrumpious Meals By My Chef Boyfriend 👨‍🍳

in voilk •  4 months ago


    One of the many benefits of dating a chef is a the standard of food you eat will increase greatly, the downside being your own bland food just doesn't compare.

    I thought I'd share with you 4 of the meals he has prepared recently for me.

    Which one would you pick?

    Creamy Wild Garlic Mushroom on Brown Sourdough


    Handpicked Wild Garlic from a Sunday walk with the Big Floofy Dog. Made sure not to pick on any likely dog (or human) wee spots if there are any.

    This was made with Vegan Soya Cream and was lighter sauce I found. Really tasty.

    Celeriac & Preserved Lemon Soup with Crispy Leeks


    This was a new soup to me. Never in the world would I think of mixing celaric and preserved lemons. I like them both separately but this soup was one where second helpings were essential. Such a lovely flavour, warm and deep and velvety.

    Tagliatelle with Vegan Chorizo in a Creamy Wine Sauce with Toasted Pistachios


    This delicious pasta dish was presented to me whilst we were housesitting in the most beautiful Italian style villa in North Wales.

    Simple (so he says) but so tasty.

    Helped down with my usual big dollop of mayonnaise.

    Scrambled egg with Griddled Tomatoes and Charred Tomato Quick Relish


    Clean breakfast option this was, not greasy. Light, fresh and satisfying morning meal sat at desk whilst home sitting and working.

    Certainly beats the toast with butter scraped on in haste on I usually have!

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