Who's the Michael Jordan of Pro Wrestling

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide

    So I was going through this blog on who’s like the Michael Jordan of wrestling, you know, the greatest ever.

    And this guy, Jeff Jarrett, he says it’s Shawn Michaels.


    HBK is one of my favorites but is he really wrestling’s MJ?

    Jeff Jarrett talked about how HBK was capable of making matches so exciting and how he could get you really into the story especially when he was playing a villain.

    He likened him to MJ for his ability to make people want to watch him lose at any cost while profiting from it.

    Now don’t get me wrong; Shawn Michaels is amazing.

    His matches were always first class especially at big shows like WrestleMania.

    Infact, his other name is Mr. Wrestlemania.

    He was the show stopper, right?

    However in comparison with basketball great Michael Jordan, Michaels may not have had as much success outside the squared circle as Jordan did in his career. People around the world are familiar with Michael Jordan regardless if they do not follow basket ball or not. But HBK has never achieved this level of recognition beyond wrestling circles

    Now, who could be the Michael Jordan of wrestling?

    Well, Hulk Hogan is a big name that pops up.

    For a long time, he was wrestling’s face and took it to another level entirely. There was Hulkamania everywhere and he made wrestling huge.

    Yet there is The Rock known by his real name Dwayne Johnson, and currently playing as The Final Boss. He is very famous even outside the ring. He appears in movies and all sorts of things, people just love him. In some ways he’s like a contemporary MJ.

    But hey, I gotta throw in my two cents, right?

    To me it has to be The Tribal Cheif Roman Reigns till death do us part.

    I know what you are thinking; you might say I am simply a fanboy but wait a minute.

    Roman Reigns has this thing about him, don’t you think so?

    When he steps into the squared circle your eyes cannot get off him. He’s bringing back that coolness into wrestling just as The Rock did once upon a time ago and now.

    Yeah okay maybe there’s an itsy bitsy bit of bias involved here but then again that doesn’t mean I’m incorrect does it somewhere?

    Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Roman Reigns – they're all great picks too. At the end of the day, it's all about personal opinion.

    Who do you think is the Micheal Jordan of wrestling?

    Let me know in the comments!

    Thanks for reading, y'all!



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