Beautiful crocheted earrings, based on the whale whale of the holozing game

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Welcome to my blog!


    Good evening to all my friends of this beautiful community #holozing, I hope you are well, enjoying these days of Holy Week, it's going so fast and it's already Wednesday, trusting in God that everything will be fine.


    Today I want to show through a tutorial, how to make some cute and flirty crochet earrings, based on the Whale whale from the holozing game.
    These earrings are special for the young flirty girls who are always in fashion. I hope you get excited and make this project, you can do it in the color of your choice.


    Materials needed for the realization of the earrings based on the crocheted whale whale from the holozing game:

    • Color knitting yarn: white, blue and red.
    • Scissors.
    • Tweezers.
    • Liquid Silicone.
    • Wool needle.
    • 2 rings.
    • 2 hooks.
    • 4 eyes.
    • Pin or separator.
    • Piece of cotton.


    Step by step for the realization of the woven earrings:

    • The first thing we are going to do , is to take the yarn and needle to start making the knitting, We make a magic ring.
    • Inside the magic ring we must knit 6 single crochet stitches and close with a slip stitch.
    • For the second row, make an increase in each stitch, for a total of 12 single crochet stitches, close with a slip stitch and place the separator at the beginning of each row.
    • For the third row, knit a single crochet and a double crochet for a total of 18 single crochets.
    • In rows 4 and 5, knit the same 18 single crochet stitches.


    • When we finish the 5 round, we lift 6 chains, in that same chain we make a high stitch, in the other stitch, a high stitch, in the other one a high stitch and we finish in a low stitch, in the same way we make the other fin of the whale. We make in the following stitches 3 low stitches, lift a chain to make another fin, of 5 and in the first stitch make a slip stitch, continue making low stitches, when three stitches are missing, make a chain of 5 and in the first stitch make a slip stitch, we have the two fins of the sides.


    • Change the yarn and place the white yarn, in each stitch make a single crochet in that row, taking only the inside yarn.
    • For the second row make a decrease, a single crochet and a decrease. In the other round do the same, until you close, put in the cotton and then close completely, help with the knitting needle.



    • Before placing the eyes, red thread is placed around them, as it is on the whale whale, and for the mouth a piece of white thread is glued with silicone.
    • Also with the tweezers help to place the hooks to hang.


    Here is the final result of the beautiful crocheted earrings inspired by the whale whale of the holozing game.


    Beautiful earrings!


    Thank you for reading and commenting on my post, I make my project with all the love in the world, many blessings and see you next time.
    The photos are my property, taken with Infinix phone, edited with incollage and translated with DEEPL.


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