in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Me levanté y me ví en el espejo
    sonreí y estaba en la playa
    caminaba sonámbulo
    y me desperté
    sonreí y corrí tras un perro
    y comenzó a llover.

    Nadaba placenteramente
    y a la vez leía un libro
    me puse a fritar un huevo
    y corrí como loco
    tras de un papel
    que se llevaba la brisa.

    Tomé el taxi hasta el mercado
    compré un lápiz y una aguja
    y comencé a hablar solo
    hasta que corrí tras el motociclista que se llevó mis medias.

    Me puse a escribir y me equivoqué de entrada
    cuando iba al baño
    comencé a sudar cuando
    Vi pasar el dulcero de siempre
    y me equivoqué
    por eso volví a correr
    riendo tras mi locura.



    I got up and looked in the mirror
    I smiled and I was on the beach
    he walked sleepwalking
    and I woke up
    I smiled and ran after a dog
    and it started to rain.

    I swam pleasantly
    and at the same time I read a book
    I started frying an egg
    and I ran like crazy
    after a paper
    that was blown away by the breeze.

    I took the taxi to the market
    I bought a pencil and a needle
    and I started talking to myself
    until I ran after the motorcyclist who took my socks.

    I started writing and I made the wrong entry.
    when I went to the bathroom
    I started sweating when
    I saw the usual candy bar pass by
    and made a mistake
    that's why I ran again
    laughing after my madness.


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