A Day in My Life Blog: A Successful Day for us to Search for Exact Venue for our Upcoming Summer Youth Camp πŸ™ŒπŸ€—πŸ˜‡

in voilk β€’Β  2 months ago

    Have a Blessed Day to all ASEAN Hivers and all my Fellow Hivers all over the World! πŸ˜‡

    As one of the Youth Department leaders of our Church and in our Section, we've been very busy as we have many events and activities coming for the young people especially this coming vacation days as there are no classes already.

    Just a few days ago, we've been on Venue hunting and evaluating areas as our prospective venue for our upcoming event this July, "The Summer Youth Camp".

    This has been one of the much-awaited events by our young people as it was a long time ago since our last Summer Youth Camp due to the Pandemic and very busy schedules. And now finally, as what they've been waiting for, we have prepared a lot and one of them is finding the exact venue for our event.

    Before the day of our venue hunting, we've already done our initial meeting so we have some ideas of where and what to do.

    We've come out of two possible areas and on this day, we've decided to go to those places and evaluate if it is appropriate or good for our youth camp.

    The first prospect we have on our list is this "Gasa Resort and Campsite". As to its name, we can immediately conclude that it is a perfect venue if ever for our upcoming Summer Youth Camp, as it is a Campsite and the place as we visited it is wide.

    When we arrived there, we then immediately evaluated the place and talked to the caretaker as the owner was not around. We asked the caretaker all the details we wanted to know about the resort most especially the possible expenses we need to prepare if we decide to hold it here. We can say that it was a bit big amount to prepare but told us to contact the owner itself so we can ask for any discounts if ever.

    We go around the venue and looked on every part of it. We found out that they have cottages that we can rent if ever we go here as will as the Kubo or Nipa hut in which a good place for the young people to stay while we have our camping days.

    Another thing we should have to consider is the function hall, the basket court, volleyball court and other necessary amenities. And we can say that all are very well, a great place to consider for our youth camp.

    As we continue talking to the caretaker, we need to consider the cost we may need to prepare knowing that our department doesn't have enough financial aspect to cater large amount just to rent, we also need to consider other expenses we needed to prepare.

    Overall evaluation for the Gasa Resort and Campsite are all great and is good for our event but we need to consider other venue as our finances matters, and so we went to other options we have based on our meeting last time.

    After our visit at Gasa Resort and Campsite, we then went to another campsite located Lonosan, Cabalantian Manticao Misamis Oriental. As we finally arrived their, we can see that it was already abandoned and their is no caretaker to asked for, and so what we have right now to consider is the Gasa Resort and Campsite.

    What important thing we need to do right now after we have sesrched for the final venue for our upcoming Summer Youth Camp is to report everything to our Section's Presbyter, as for now we need advice and support from him especially with in terms of finances.

    He already agreed that we will going to hold our Summer Youth Camp at Gasa Resort and Campsite but we need to prepare a proposal for the coming Minister's Meeting that needs to be agreed by the Pastors, that's the time we can go for next steps to do.

    I must say that everything we did right now was successful as we have outcome and found a great place to consider and to be reported in the meeting. After our report to our Presbyter, we then went home for us to get rest after a busy day for us.

    This would be all for today's post and until next time again and I just want to thank everyone in advance will dropping by on my post.

    To God be all the Glory! πŸ˜‡πŸ™Œβ˜οΈ

    Your Friend


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