Exploring the streets looking for treasures.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    A walk cannot begin without seeing the beautiful nature and flowers that are always present in the city. Wherever I walk there are always flowers.

    But my walk today took me into unknown streets and with the idea of exploring, searching and wandering through alleys to see what I could find.


    I really like to appreciate the details of my path, which is presented to me at every step and many times these little streets give me surprises.

    In many of them, I find shops with a variety of products and souvenirs for tourists to buy.

    But also with a whole range of colourful and eye-catching items.


    These aprons are representative of Picasso, and all over the city, near the museum dedicated to him, you can find beauties like these.


    In the postcards I also found one of the painter's greatest tastes, the bulls. One postcard more beautiful than the other.


    But, from this place, what caught my attention the most are these plates or bowls painted with very nice decorations. I love the handicrafts.


    In every little street I could see restaurants, still closed, but ready to welcome people for a nice and warm dinner.



    Something that still surprises me about Spain is that everything is in the open air, the restaurants are closed, but nobody appropriates other people's property. The tables are set with tablecloths, ready for people to sit down, and nobody steals anything. It is something that is still surprising to me today.


    As I said I love to explore and one little street led me to another and each time the streets got narrower and narrower. The old buildings with the beautiful old pavements and the contrasting sky made for a wonderful view.


    I was able to pass by, I had to see what was there.


    And I came across this architectural beauty, with little room to take a picture, but I made it.


    After another narrow corridor I ended up in this mini garden with a large fig tree. I discovered that it was the courtyard where you end up when you leave the Picasso museum at the back.


    Some corridors seem to have no exit, so I turn around and look for another street. I got lost several times, but that's what exploring is all about.


    In this case, the pavement is the one that catches my eye because of its antiquity, really beautiful.


    I passed by a very old convent, I wanted to look for the entrance, I wanted to visit it, but I couldn't find my way around, or maybe I got lost again. I'll try again another time, if I find the street....


    When I reach a more visited street, some multicoloured animals came out to meet me, I love owls.


    It was a good time to get to a more open space and breathe the air, so I headed for the promenade.



    After so much exploration in the city I deserved a good coffee, with delicious frothy good taste and in a place with familiar warmth.


    It was already dusk, the views of the harbour are spectacular at this time of day.


    I wandered into some streets I saw before heading home and in the distance I thought I saw more colourful treasures.


    More owls watched me next to a quaint handbag.



    In another shop window I seemed to be invited to rest for a while after all that walking, and this monkey wanted to pose for my photograph.


    Which outfit do you like best? I fell in love with the one on the left, I love the colour pink and this outfit would be perfect for me.


    A very beautiful walk, finding lots of treasures and beautiful items. Finally enjoying the beautiful colours of a dreamy sunset.

    Thank you all for joining me on this Wednesday walk. See you next time.

    All photographs are my own.

    Separador Amonet rosa.png

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