The Power Of Connection

in voilk •  2 months ago


    I close my eyes, I take a deep breath and I check in with where my mind is at. What are the first thoughts that come to me. What I should be doing? what I have been doing? What my girls are doing? I let them come and then I let them go. There is no point in trying to block them or shun them away, not for me anyways. If I do that, then I end up, focusing on them for far too long. I have found that it is better to give them a little time and then, let them go. It's the same with my emotions. It's important to acknowledge them, connect with them, to feel them. But not, to hold onto them. It's really all about allowing them to flow.


    Holding on to anything is not healthy, including people and possessions. Yet it's something we all do, holding things too tightly, for fear of losing them. This can almost turn into an obsession, which instead of helping us to connect, only drives a wedge between us. Creating more distance, rather than connection. Be it with ourselves when we hold onto material things or with people, when we hold on to them too tightly.


    Society as a whole, tries to sell us this idea, that we need to have things, in order to be successful. The nice home, the nice car, the latest phones and gadgets. Things that fill our lives, but keep us distracted from what really matters. Connecting with ourselves, with our loved ones, with nature. I believe that society has been designed that way, so that we can be easier manipulated. When we are disconnected, we don't feel things deeply, so we do not notice, when we are being disempowered. We also don't ask any questions. Just look at the difference between wild animals and domesticated ones. Who is more connected with their instincts.


    The less we have, the more connected we are. The more focused we are, on what matters. To me, connection means everything. It's why I live a minimalize life, so that I have more time to connect with what matters the most to me in life. So that I can take a deep breath and let everything go and be fully present in the moment. To experience life fully. to feel fully. To be able to express myself fully, be it through my words or my actions.

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