My student life

in voilk โ€ขย  5 months ago


    Hey friends ๐Ÿค—

    Today I've decided to participate in the @hivenaija prompt for this week.
    Below is the question for the week:

    What kind of student are/were you in school?

    I really love this question because it reminds me of my experiences in school, and it has helped me to reflect on the things I did then.

    School life is fun, there are many types of students you'll meet and interact with. In this post I'll share what type of student I was. You might want to keep reading...

    It's been over four years I graduated from high school, and I can what i enjoyed most was the later part of school, that is From SSS1-3. It was at thus point that I started picking up and improving greatly in my communication with others, having more math knowledge and all...
    To talk about the type of student I was, I'll cover the following aspects:

    • Academic Performance
    • Study Habits
    • Extracurricular Activities:
    • Relationships with Peers and Teachers:
    • Growth and Learning:
    • Challenges and Successes

    Academic Performance

    I believe everyone is intelligent in his own aspect, I am too. In my early primary school days, I already knew how to read and write but I would not do so in school, I was a very timid child and that affected my grades. But I would do very well at home, I loved reading aloud whenever I was home. But In my later primary school l, i was more open to read in class, I would even volunteer to read out literature'ls to the whole class.
    My position then in class used to be from 4th-7th out of 24 pupils.

    In my late secondary school I started to take 1st to 3rd position because I loved the math teacher and only then I started to solve a lot of math problems, something I found most difficult in my Junior high school. So my grades improved very much!

    Study Habits

    I also began studying harder in my late secondary school, it was then that I took study very seriously on my own, and because I want to compete and make it with As in my result.
    Physics was my worse subject but I would still pass it in exams, because I'll exert myself more to read it and solve with formulas, though I used to score the lowest in it.
    Math exams was my best in high school, i even helped others solve their math problems, sometimes they also help me though

    Extracurricular Activities

    I hated this part a lot in school, especially debates, I didn't like engaging in debates but it used to come up as extra curriculum activities in school.

    Relationships with Peers and Teachers

    I became more open to communication in senior high school, I was more reserved before this school level.
    I made friends with my teachers in this level and even till today I still chat with them.
    Things are more fun when you have friends, so is school!

    Growth and Learning

    My approach to learning improved greatly as I grew up, I would study on my own and learn things on my own, i would ask my teachers for clarification on where I didn't understand especially my math teacher. Growing and learning was fun at this point!

    Challenges and Successes

    I'm happy I learnt everything I know now!
    My greatest challenge was being introvert but I'm happy I slowly overcame it and achieved a lot of success in my grades and academics.


    Thank you dear reader for staying till this point, also thanks to @deraa for this nice prompt. I'm happy to share my experience!

    See you next time ๐Ÿค—


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