TV Channel Contest #STB

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Last Tuesday, reading the feed of my account on the social network "X", I came across something out of the ordinary. One of the accounts I follow that always touches on coffee-related topics left a post about a blind date program. Since I had been without a girlfriend for a while, I said to myself that this was my chance.

    As you all know I am a coffee lover. Its aroma, flavor and everything related to it fascinates me. That's why I was very interested in the program because it was closely related to coffee. The blind date program only allowed to ask questions about coffee to potential candidates. I thought it was great because it was an opportunity to find someone who shared my passion.

    I arrived at the canal, an imposing white building with light blue windows. From the reception, a producer took me to the make-up room. The make-up artist, upon seeing me, said she would have to perform a miracle. I paid no attention to her comment.

    After two hours of make-up, I was taken to the studio where the program would be recorded. I was instructed to sit in a very tall chair that made me dizzy when I saw the floor. The chair was in front of a huge screen showing three silhouettes. They were numbered from one to three.

    One of the producers approached me to explain how I should act in the program and the rules of the contest. I had a certain amount of time to ask them questions, as long as they had to do with coffee. In the end, I would have to choose one of them to go on a real date.

    Once I felt ready and had a nice cup of coffee, I told the producer and he signaled the program coordinator. Immediately, over the loudspeakers, the one who seemed to be the most in charge, the director, told everyone to be quiet.

    When all was quiet, the coordinator shouted and pointed to the presenter. In his shout, he said: action!

    The presenter welcomed everyone to the program and I began with a simple question for all the girls: What kind of coffee do you prefer?

    Silhouette number one said she liked her coffee with milk, nice and creamy and sweet. I thought she was a sweet woman. Silhouette two said she liked black coffee, strong and bitter. That caught my attention. Woman number three said she liked specialty coffee, with different origins and preparation methods. I felt she was complicated.

    I continued with a more personal question: How does coffee make you feel?

    Number one said it made her feel happy and relaxed. Number two answered that it made her feel energetic and focused. Silhouette number three said it made her feel curious and adventurous. Number three started to get my attention.


    I followed up with a more creative question: What would you name your favorite coffee?

    Silhouette number one said she would name it "Coffee with Love". Romantic her. Number two said she would name it "Coffee with Character" and number three said she would name it "Coffee with Surprise". This woman was enigmatic and captivating.

    Until it was my turn to ask the last question, the decisive one: What would you do if you had to choose between coffee and love?

    Woman number one said I would choose love because coffee can be replaced by something else. I dismissed her immediately. woman number two said she would choose coffee because love can be found elsewhere. Good for her. Silhouette number three said she would choose both because coffee and love complement each other. That answer fascinated me.

    Then the presenter told me I should take a minute to decide. After that time passed, he asked me if I had decided. I nodded and said yes. Immediately the presenter asked me: who are you going on a date with? And I didn't hesitate to answer with silhouette number three.

    The presenter said: Very well, let's see who it is! I swallowed thickly, I became more nervous than I was.

    The screen lit up and showed the face of silhouette number three. It was a tall man, with brown eyes reminiscent of coffee. My mouth dropped open.

    The presenter in a loud voice said: Surprise! It turns out that silhouette number three is a man. Did you expect that?

    I said no.

    The presenter came back with another question: What do you think, would you like to go on a date with him?

    I said no, that I did not play for the other side, that I was very masculine and straight. The host insisted that I go out with number three, but I refused, got up from the chair, and firmly told everyone that love is not achieved in a contest, that women are respected, not chosen as if they were a fruit in a market. I had made a mistake by going to the program and that the best way to find love was not by asking questions to strangers. The ideal date was to meet the person and talk over a good cup of coffee.

    I didn't win anything in the contest. I said goodbye, said thank you, and headed for the exit. As I was about to reach the street, the female production manager came up to me and told me that she liked the way I thought and that she admired me. I, surprised and maddened, invited her for coffee and she accepted.


    Original content is written exclusively for
    #STB Coffee Prompt Week 66.

    Own images edited with CANVA Pro.

    All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

    It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

    Thank you for your visit and for your comment.


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