Advancement in Technology

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty the host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

    Greetings to one and all in the hive community. Happy Morning to all of you.

    What I see:
    A travel centre, where complete guidance is provided to a layman seeking information, including booking, via, video call with a travel agent from the concerned centre.

    What you feel:
    For a person travelling to a new destination, such information center is a thorough m blessing.

    To begin with a short story, a
    family settled away from their home country, decided to conduct the marriage ritual of their daughter in the country where they are residing presently.

    As this was the first wedding function in the family, they decided to bring their aged grandparents of the daughter, who was eagerly waiting to see their grandchild in the wedding attire.

    Hence the process for their departure started. The tickets were confirmed but then, as it was their maiden journey the grandfather had too many queries .

    Being an educated person,the grandfather decided to take the initiative himself, by not troubling his daughter who resides in a faraway land busy with the preparation of their daughter's wedding. The video travel centre seemed to be a few miles away from his home.

    So one day, without informing his family, he went to the video-travel centre to get the details of his departure, his arrival to the new destination and further, process of his return journey back to his homeland. All this was done via video conferencing.

    He appreciated the fact of this advanced technology, who without much hassle and without the help of anyone,could get the complete information of the pre-planned journey in less time.

    With the hope you enjoyed my fictional story I wish you all a Happy Day ahead. If you would like to be a part of this contest, click the link below.


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