The more books you read, the more knowledge you will gain

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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    Every person should practice reading books and keep a collection of useful books, because books are the only friend of man, the more books he reads, the more knowledge he will gain, books are the true friend of man, if you have two rupees, then you can eat with one rupee. Eat and buy books with one rupee, you have to practice reading books.

    When we were in student life we used to read only class books, many times read other books besides class text book, the more I read other books besides class text book the more knowledge increased, I read a lot in student life and in my collection of books of that time I have, but now due to various problems I can't buy books, and I don't want to read books.

    But whenever I see a book library, I go to it and start reading books from there, like this time after going to Dhaka, I saw some bookstores on the footpath, where most of the old books are available, I went to that bookstore for a long time, and some I took the book and read it. I wanted to stay in that bookstore all day.

    There were few book shops, I went to all the book shops, and saw many books, I was surprised when I went to a book shop, that book shop only had children's books, surprisingly, all the books in that shop were ten bucks, all of them were soundbox. Calling to buy books for ten rupees, many people are buying books from there for their children.

    Reading books is like an addiction, and reading books is a lot of fun, new information is gained by reading books, we have a madrasah teacher who reads a lot, he buys new books and brings them to madrasah every day, he starts reading whenever he gets time. , I also want to read books after seeing him. He has so many books, he is starting his own personal library.

    We all should read more books, good words can be found in a bad book, we can become wise by reading more books, we all should practice reading books.

    Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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