Friday is my favorite day

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    My favorite day of the week falls on Friday, for me Friday is a day full of freedom and happiness. It all started when I was still at Islamic boarding school, when I was still at Islamic boarding school I had to live in a dormitory which meant I couldn't go home.

    All day I felt like I was in a cage because we were not allowed to leave the Dormitory, all I could do all day was study, study and study. As you can imagine, I, who was 13 years old at that time, had to continue my studies at Islamic Boarding School for up to 6 years until I finished high school.

    I felt how sad my fate was at that time, and there was only 1 day that could make me breathe fresh air outside the dormitory, namely Friday. On Fridays we were allowed to leave the dormitory complex to go anywhere.

    However, we were also given a certain amount of time outside the complex so that we didn't wander around, on Friday we were given out of the dormitory complex from 8 am to 5 pm, you can imagine how happy I was at that time, after 6 days languishing inside. Dormitory and only Fridays can I go anywhere freely.

    The reason the Islamic boarding school gives us a little freedom on Fridays is because on Fridays we have all learning and teaching activities off, this is because time on Fridays is limited because as Muslims we have an obligation to perform Friday prayers.

    And the special thing about Fridays is still felt to this day, after almost 5 years of graduating from Islamic boarding school, I still feel happy when I welcome Friday, because it's still the same as at Islamic boarding school, on Fridays I don't open my sales business because time is short.

    So I chose to take Friday off work and on Sunday I continued to work as usual, for some reason Friday felt very comfortable for me, and strangely enough, at our place on Friday the weather was always sunny which allowed me to take the time to watch the sunset on the beach. .

    Usually I always fill my free time on Fridays by cleaning our room and house, I am always excited to clean on Fridays, even my family and I also consider Fridays to be a more special day because we can spend time together at home.

    After cleaning in the morning, in the afternoon I immediately get ready to go to the mosque to perform Friday prayers, and I always spend the afternoon on Fridays going for a leisurely walk to refresh my mind which has been very busy with many activities during the past 6 My day works from morning to night.

    When Friday starts to approach evening, I always feel sad because tomorrow I have to work again as usual, and in my mind the desire always arises for next Friday to arrive quickly.

    This is the entry for the Weekly Engagement-WK 43 contest, see you in the next post.

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