Fog of War ~ Whatever Happens, Get Your best Tanks on The Field

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hola Everyone

    Welcome to my Battle Mage Secret challenge, and this week we have Fog of War as our main theme. As usual, we always have a new ruleset as our theme.

    Fog of War is a ruleset that negates all the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. So all attack will only addressed on the front line only, which the target will can only be opponent main tanks. There is an exception here, it is the Scatter shot ability, however that one is not a favorite one so we can neglect them in general.

    Because every attacks will come to the front line, I believe our line up should have a strong tanks at front. You can use taunt and set another tank behind, it's all depend on your defensive strategy. But for me, in general your tank must be extraordinary one and you should have at least another one as the secondary tank.

    However what will you do if you don't have a good opportunity to deploy a good tank?


    I take this as the rulesets for this battle mage secret. Only 13 mana cap and no heal at all. You can't use tank who has heal. Will you still using tanks or you prefer to go gang-ho this time? let's check our battle!

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    ~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

    This was a Dragon element vs Life element battle. I was using @Blackkrrsantan, a Scholarship account from bulldog1205 one of our famous streamer. He shares many outstanding Splinterlands contents in his youtube channel.

    My plan was simple, I would gamble everything to get the best tank I could. and he was the Pelacor Conjurer


    and I put Grandmaster Rathe as my summoner, he turned my Pelacor Conjurer into like this:


    It's almost impossible to kill this Pelacor Conjurer because I had Scavo Hireling as the support here. My opponent came with similar tactic, using Void Dragon and a Scavo Hireling too. Would this work?, let see how the battle went:


    • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. With 13 mana cap there weren't many buffs and debuffs we could have here.
    • My opponent had 2 magic damage per round.
    • My team had 2 range damage per round only.
    • It looked like both of us focusing on defense. This would be a long rally then...

    I will fast forwards so we all won't fall asleep here.


    • Their Void Dragon died on the 7th round. How did he die? he kept getting 1 magic damage from Pelacor Conjurer magic reflect. With the Dragon gone, technically it's all over for them.


    • From Round 21, we started to have damages from fatigue. Later on Round 22 they were dead from the damage, and my Pelacor Conjurer still alive together with Xenith Archer. Good Game

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    Because it was a simple battle but interesting one, I will have three simple points only here.

    1. Whether it is big mana cap or a small mana cap... it doesn't matter, you must have the better tanks especially during this Fog of War, The one who lost their tank first, would have very high possibility that they would end up as the loser too.
    2. When you go for small damage team, you need to think a long rally, many round of boring battles. That's how your meta should be, in this term, my team won due to it.
    3. In Small mana cap, I mean a very small one like this, 13 mana cap. Sometime you need to think out of the box, trying to win in ugly way like this.

    ok that's for today, Have fun with Fog of War ruleset. And please and don't forget to leave your comment or feedback below. thank you.

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    Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

    • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
    • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
    • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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