The whole "garbage" thing in the Presidential election is a new low

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This election has been the most preposterous in American Presidential election history. From having Biden, a candidate that doesn't even know how to talk and can't remember anything apparently, to having a replacement candidate installed rather than voted for, and of course having a candidate that half of the country absolutely despises more than any other candidate in the history of American politics is just a really nutso situation.

    The media on both sides is also really taking things too far in twisting the words of anything that anyone says and attempting to pain a very untrue picture of what is being said by anyone related to any candidate.


    When comedian Tony Hinchcliffe did a comedic performance in Madison Square Garden in support of Donald Trump I think that most people understand that he is a comedian and the entirety of his act is that he roasts people. Now if you don't know what roasting is i'll tell you. It is when you say hurtful things about people intentionally that are meant mostly in jest. He has built a career out of doing very little else and he is constantly invited to do celebrity roasts because he is so good at it. The comedy is supposed to be hurtful and when people have a sense of humor they realize that this is the case. Since Tony was up there mostly talking about how free speech is under attack I find it incredibly ironic that the media went and kind of proved his entire point by jumping all over his comment where he referred to Puerto Rico as being an island of garbage.

    The delivery was actually really good because the way he set it up appeared as though he was talking about the great Pacific garbage patch that everyone knows about but then transitioned to tell everyone that he was talking about Puerto Rico.


    Tony took a lot of flack for this and it is incredibly stupid. This was always going to happen though because he is white and he was telling a joke about non-whites. The thing is Tony has done this for decades in his roast routines and got laughs from everyone when he was talking about minorities. Tony doesn't have anything against minorities, but in comedy you have to take risks and I am sure that Dave Chappelle and other greats would totally be on Tony's side as far as this is concerned.

    The left's obsession with race as a topic is a truly dead horse but I am not at all surprised when they decided to jump on this even though everyone, if they are being honest (they wont be) already know that this is Tony's entire shtick. His entire career is based around doing exactly this sort of comedy and when he told the joke in ultra-liberal New York City in front of many people including Puerto Ricans, he got laughs. The "outrage" over this comment is manufactured but well, what isn't these days in the media.

    To show the hypocrisy of the media, a few days later Joe Biden went on TV or something and called all of Trump supporters "garbage" only to have the excuses and explanations fly on the part of almost all MSM. For me, I don't care if Biden thinks that Trump supporters are trash just like I didn't care if Hillary thought they were deplorable. I think it is time we stopped pretending that these candidates actually give half a crap about any of us especially the people who don't support them. Of course they don't care about you if you don't vote for them, they are politicians!


    Joe was almost certainly off script on this and his handlers should know better than to allow him to do that. They immediately issued a Tweet from Biden's account that clarified that he was "only referring to Tony" which of course is bullshit and I don't think many conservatives actually gave a damn anyway. The media immediately jumped to Joe's defense and the White House even altered the official transcript of the speech which while I do not care is a relatively massive breach of honesty, is it not? I don't think anyone who is being honest is going to look back and think that Joe was a good president and history, again if it is being honest, will recognize that Joe only got into office because of the same reason that Kamala might get into office, because of the intense hatred that half the country has for Donald Trump.

    The left was always going to use this opportunity around Tony's hilarious speech (the only part of the venue that I watched) and do everything they could to call Tony, Trump, and all the people that laughed "racist" even though to a sane person this was CLEARLY A JOKE and was not to be taken at face value. This is the very nature of comedy but just like they say that the left can't meme, they also do not have a sense of humor at all.

    Thankfully I don't think that anyone is swayed by this entire thing and the Trump response of dressing up and doing a press conference in a garbage truck was a childish, but hilarious response.

    Thankfully in just a few days the first part of this debacle will be behind us. You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be weeks of lawsuits that follow if this thing is even remotely close.

    The allegations and reports of cheating and interference in various ways is already all over the place but just as you might expect, if you follow a biased news source you are not going to get the real story. I don't pretend as though I have a real source but when I hear about elections being tampered with I have always felt as though this is the case so it doesn't really come as a great shock that it would be happening now.

    I'm a the point now where I think that if Kamala wins that there is only one reason why that is and that is the same reason why Joe Biden was elected. Not because the other candidate is better but because Trump is so hated that people will vote for anything. I guess it will be exciting to see what happens on TV in the next few days though.

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