Democracy is not Freedom

in voilk •  6 months ago

    Democracy is not Freedom


    Today I come to propose a reflection on the danger of the Binomial democracy – freedom, this mantra is very dangerous because it is totally extended by the population, in such a way that they equate it, people think that democracy is a synonym for freedom.

    When they are two terms that can go together, but they are not equivalent and democracy does not have to imply freedom as we are seeing until now and that is very dangerous, because they can cut back on any type of freedom as long as you are in a regime supposedly democratic.

    If they restrict your rights and restrict your freedom in a democratic regime, the population does not act, because it is convinced that both terms are equivalent when they are not and the binomial freedom-democracy is flawed from its origin. It has never been like this and we have the greatest example in the mother of Democracy, ancient Greece.

    And democracy as a system was born in the ancient polis of Ancient Greece, in Sparta, in Athens and we must remember that in those societies where democracy was coined and born there were two types of citizens, citizens with all their rights and those who were not considered citizens, and the requirement to be a citizen was to be born within a polis and be a man, even if you were born within the polis, if you were a woman you did not have the same rights and if you were a foreigner you did not have rights either, there were two dominant classes citizens and those who were not considered citizens due to sex or origin, is that a democracy?


    It must be remembered that this democracy was used to choose the laws that were going to be imposed on the Greek population, laws debated in the famous agoras by the ruling class, therefore, the term democracy as an example of freedom is something that is already born flawed. , but reality tells us that this is the case, what we are seeing is how we limit ourselves to electing a series of people who are going to respond to people that we have not elected, we are seeing how every time we elect a candidate and he achieves the power forgets everything he has promised in the campaign and goes to Davos to deliver accounts and receive orders.

    He needs us for the votes, but he is not accountable to us, but rather to Davos, before any decision, the premise is Clear, if we have to go to Davos, we go with the truth, we explain what has happened, we wait for instructions , but if it is the people who elected us to whom we must give explanations, we lie systematically and to do so we use rhetoric, wordplay, fireworks and euphemism.

    We are talking about democracy all the time, but those who talk about our daily life, our way of life, our lifestyle in our society, are not only the people in Davos but also people in Brussels, who are making a series of laws. that are modifying our freedoms, we have not voted if we want to give up our private transportation, we have not voted if we have to enact eating insects instead of meat, we have not voted if we have to have an open door policy to Anyone who enters, we have not voted on who represents us before international institutions, we have not voted on the vaccine policy, we have not voted on the restriction of what they call carbon footprint and more, the only thing we do every 4 years is elect the one who is going to Davos.

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