From Agenda 2030 to 2040

in voilk •  5 months ago

    From Agenda 2030 to 2040


    If you are worried about the 2030 agenda, wait for the 2040 or 2050 agenda that they are already working on to arrive, but before I talk to you about it, let me explain one thing to you, the 2030 agenda is not new, it is the second one, before of the 2030 agenda there was another, the 2015 agenda, an agenda that few know.

    Although all this seems new, in the year 2000 the United Nations Organization launched an agenda called the millennium goals, coinciding with the turn of the century and the Millennium, the UN has a series of commitments whose horizon was 2015, which millennium goals They were those, the same as always, Peace in the world, end hunger, end Wars, end inequality, protect the climate etcetera etcetera etcetera... the repeated music plays.

    It's been almost a decade since the 2015 agenda and what was achieved, absolutely nothing and we are close to the 2030 agenda and we continue with the same thing, nothing is fulfilled, because the true objectives were always other, to renew the 2015 agenda passes to be called the 2030 agenda but with a difference, there are new hidden objectives of the new “owners of the franchise”, they are interested in social control.

    And the businessmen Soros, Gates, etc. take over the brand with the franchise of the 2030 agenda, and do what they know best how to sell their product. If the 2015 agenda was unknown to most of the population, the 2030 agenda is known to everyone. the world, they create a logo, they advertise it by pressing from their Davos forum for it to be applied, so that the logo appears on high-speed trains, on airplanes, in everything it carries the 2030 agenda.


    We see how they promote poverty, apply food restriction policies, sustainability policies in countries or areas like Europe that do not have famine problems, apply this in areas where there is famine, how is it possible for the 2030 agenda to commit to the planet acting only in the part of the planet that pollutes the least Europe a 4% contribution.

    While the 2030 agenda does not exist in India, it does not exist in China, it practically does not exist in the United States, they try to end inequalities by promoting migratory movements and they sell it to us saying that these people who emigrate are going to pay pensions, if that is true , that is the best way to fulfill the principle of solidarity and equality on earth, because if a person leaves his parents and grandparents in Africa and emigrates, he is going to pay my pensions, who is going to pay the pensions to that father of that person who stays in Africa.

    How are they going to build the country if the young workforce leaves, they leave it in the hands of multinationals or surprise we perpetuate the model of slavery and cheap labor, we extract human capital from Africa we leave the same situation of not being able fight, undertake and move the continent forward, neocolonialism exploits capital, this is the 2030 agenda that they advertise and promote in a forum in Switzerland, the country of tax haven, the icon of hidden tax banks.


    Switzerland is associated with watches, chocolate and tax havens, all the great fortunes had an account in Switzerland, and what a coincidence Davos is in Switzerland,

    They try to end world hunger in Europe as if there were any, they act by controlling pollution in countries that do not pollute and while doing business with countries that do pollute such as China or India where these funds that meet in Davos have great commercial interests,

    Now comes the 2040 agenda that reinforces the points of the 2030 agenda, if there are 17 sustainable development goals, the famous 17 SDGs, they are going to be implemented, the draft of 2040 speaks of greater restrictions and the idea that 2030 already slips as Cities 15 minutes will be the main axis of 2040, movement of population units, one of the axes that we will find in 2040.

    They are destroying the rural world, they are preventing people from fleeing to a town, a village, we destroy the rural environment, we confine the population in large cities, monstrous cities compartmentalized in neighborhoods, 15-minute districts, and at a time when a city cannot communicate with another or one neighborhood with another will begin the next step agenda 2050 drastic reduction of the population without witnesses, without place to go.

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