An outing with our puppy Osa [ESP/ENG]

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Greetings appreciated Hivers


    Today after several months since they gave us the puppy Osa many adventures have happened, where at the beginning she wanted to bite me xD but now after several interactions we are friends :3 and taking advantage that yesterday it rained this puppy all covered with mud, at home is the dirt yard and with the heavy rains, the yard is a mess but they love to Osa and Manchitas both get dirty and are always covered with mud, sometimes it seems that they were buried under the ground for all the mud they bring.

    So I thought about taking her for a walk so that she would run out of energy and I could bathe her on the way back, and without energy it would be easier since I had never done both activities for fear that she would bite me and that she would escape on the street.

    I thought the walk would be difficult, it was our first trip to the street, but the bear behaved very well always by my side, she didn't try to escape or sit still.

    At the playground I wanted to let her go but I couldn't, there were more children and I was afraid to run out and look for trouble so we just went for a walk and ran a little, although I got tired first.

    It has been a quiet adventure for both of us, it's a pity I couldn't bathe her today, it started to get very cold when I came back so it will be tomorrow, I just hope it's sunny so she won't be cold, although the bath won't last long with the dirt yard xD

    Hoy luego de varios meses desde que nos regalaron a la cachorra Osa han pasado muchas aventuras, donde al inicio me quería morder xD pero ahora luego de varias interacciones ya somos amigos :3 y aprovechando que ayer llovió esta la cachorra toda cubierta de barro, en casa es el patio de tierra y con las fuertes lluvias, el patio queda un desastre pero les encanta a la Osa y a la Manchitas ambas ensuciarse y siempre quedan cubiertas de lodo, a veces parece que estuvieron enterradas bajo la tierra por todo el barro que traen.

    Así que pensé en llevarla a pasear para que se agote la energía y poderla bañar al regreso, ya sin energías seria mas fácil ya que ambas actividades nunca lo había hecho por miedo a que me muerda y que se me escape por la calle.

    Pensé seria difícil el paseo, fue nuestro primer viaje a la calle, pero la Osa se comporto muy bien siempre a mi lado, no busco escapar ni quedarse sentada.

    En la cancha quería soltarla pero no se pudo, había mas niños y me daba miedo salga corriendo a buscar problemas así que fuimos solo a caminar y correr un poco, aunque me canse primero yo.

    A sido una aventura tranquila para ambos, lastima no la pude bañar hoy, empezó al regreso a ponerse el día muy frio así que será mañana solo espero este el día soleado para que no tenga frio, aunque poco le durara el baño con el patio de tierra xD

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