in voilk •  2 months ago


    My journey through the hive blockchain is the best definition of the term rollercoaster. the memories created in my early days on the hive blockchain are quite priceless and valuable, these memories are as vivid and fresh as the ocean waters. there were scary and beautiful moments along the journey, but all these experiences made my success story more intriguing and interesting to the ears of men...

    What is success without a bit of life's rollercoaster here and there, they are the ingredients responsible for the sweetness of one success story, and that is why there is no success without hardship, challenges, and hard work, everything works hand in hand...

    It is indeed a fact that rollercoaster experiences are quite memorable. there are happy moments, sad moments, and scary moments, all of which make the journey more memorable, sweet, and worth remembering...

    Two years ago I was just a stranger on Hive trying to make a big comeback in my career as a writer, I never saw the bonds and friendships I have made so far coming in any way, it just kinda happened. My initial thought during those years was to come here and make the world see the beauty of my contents, but guess what friends, life changed all my plans by giving me something much more beautiful and cherishable that will last me through a lifetime...

    When it comes to special memories, I have had so many pleasant and special memories on this platform in the last two years, is it in terms of the great friends I have made so far, my unimaginable growths and achievements in the last two years, or the time when my bestie @hopestylist and I were everywhere on hive leaving our footprints, these special memories are just too much, they are nothing short of priceless and memorable, and it is what I call a lifetime memory...

    In the last two years, I have gotten awesome remarks from my mentor on hive, I have won a couple of hive prompt contests, and consistently ranked as a top engager on the hive blockchain, I have made a long-term friend and have also had some beautiful discord conversations with them, all these moments have made my hive journey more beautiful and interesting, I won't take these memories for granted...

    Well, that was a brief dabble into what I have for you all today on my best hive experience, join me in the next couple of paragraphs as I share my best hive experience with y'all...

               MY BEST HIVE EXPERIENCE...


    One of the few lessons my mentor gave me while onboarding me two years ago was to never stop engaging with my fellow authors and making quality content. He told me these and I kept it in my left hand without tossing it away...

    I started working on my own after one week of thorough lessons and training from my mentor, I started engaging in several communities and was leaving my footprints everywhere, a week later, my audience improved a bit, and I started getting visitation from those authors I engaged on their post in the past week...

    A one-time engagement didn't get me this result, my consistency in their content brought them to my blog and that was how I started gaining visibility bit by bit ...

    This result made me more active and determined than normal, and shortly after, in the spirit of quality engagement I found a friend @hopestylist, after several encounters on each other posts, we became friends and even bonded more as friends from the same country...

    The friendship with Hope made my journey on hive more productive, impactful, and beautiful, hope is the best definition of quality engagement machine, she was known for her engagement spirit on hive by many authors, and that is how she has made a name for herself on hive...

    Hope and I became friends and gradually she started influencing me more, whenever I feel like stopping, whenever I come across either her blog or her comments on my post, I get automatically inspired to keep going...

    She became my engagement buddy, and slowly we started moving together before we knew it, we joined the hive naija weekly weekend hangout and dominated the hangout non-stop, she and I won the most engaged countless times, it didn't stop there...

    In the company of hope, I wanted to achieve more than the best engager, so we headed to the hive engagement league, the hive engagement league is a league for hive best engagers, hope and I joined the league and doubled our engagement spirit...

    It took a while but my engagement buddy and I eventually made the top 10 after some time, hope made the top 1 countless times and I managed to be in the top 5, 10, and 20 every week, but as for Hope she never left the top 3 without a reason...

    Hope and I achieved many things together as engagement buddies, she kept me on my feet throughout my early days, she was my motivation, and her influence on me helped my hive growth...

    In summary, my best hive experience was when Hope and I toured the whole hive together as engagement buddies, we are currently on break now, but fret not we will be back sooner than expected, we are just both caught up with life at the moment...

    In conclusion, a big shout out to my engagement buddy hope for the non-stop ginger those years ago, we will be back sooner than expected...

                THANKS FOR READING...
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